Long Shot (Hoops 1) - Page 123

“Okay if I move that one here,” I say, shifting a number on my spreadsheet, “then I could put that over here.”

I move fifty dollars from the column marked electric bill and squint at the bottom line like it might have grown bigger when I look back.

Nope. Still a tiny amount of money to live on after the bills are all paid.


I’ll call on the water bill to see if I can get an extension.

I’m still doing the dollar shuffle at my makeshift desk, also known as the dining room table, when a pair of huge hands slides under my arms to cup my breasts through my T-shirt. My nipples instantly pebble beneath the cotton, and my breath constricts. August’s thumbs tease the tips of my breasts, and he sucks at the curve of my neck.

“Come back to bed, Iris,” he says huskily. “You know I have to leave soon and I reeeeeeeally need to fuck you again.”

The words stroke a finger along my clit.

This man.

I had no idea—no earthly idea sex could be so addictive and satisfying and transformational. Every time August is inside me, I feel different afterwards. Like we’re swapping atoms—I’m taking some of him and giving so much of me.

I used to think Lo was being silly when she said I settled for sex with Caleb because I had nothing to compare it to. Boy, was I wrong. I want to write letters to Cosmo about my experience. Diary of the Previously Underwhelmed.

Maybe that could make me a little change on the side …

“Okay,” August whispers. “Don’t make me pull out all the stops.”

“Is that a metaphor for your dick?” I laugh when he twists my nipples.

Also, I may leak a little.

“My dick doesn’t need a metaphor to know how awesome it is. It’s a literal dick, and I will literally pull it out whenever you want. It’s at your service.” He laughs at his own joke into my shoulder. “No, I meant the oral. That seems to always get you.”

August has a talented tongue, and it’s in league with his teeth and lips to drive me crazy every time we make love.


Some things, like brain-bursting orgasms, never get old.

Despite the temptation, I ignore him and keep moving my little—and I do mean little—numbers around. I need to figure this out before the day begins.

“Are you seriously passing up sex for this spreadsheet?” August groans into my hair. “You know I have to leave soon.”

He never stays all night. That first night we made love—was it only two weeks ago? That night we agreed that for now, he would be gone before Sarai woke up. Seeing men walk in and out of my mother’s life made me feel insecure. I hated getting attached to some man I just knew I wanted to be my daddy and have him leave. Then, the next one would come, and the cycle started again.

Not that I anticipate August going anywhere anytime soon, but that’s part of my hardwiring I’m just not ready to let go of.

“Are you coming willingly?” he whispers, instigating a battle of butterflies in my belly. “Or do I need to throw you over my shoulder?”

“You wouldn’t dare.” I look up from my laptop, momentarily distracted by the rungs of muscles in his abs and the sinewy slash at his hip where his sweatpants hang low over the shape of him already semi-erect.

“See something you like?” He grins and flexes his pecs. “’Cause I do.”

Before I can respond, he pulls the hem of my T-shirt over my head, plunging me into semi-darkness. I’m quietly screeching so I don’t wake Sarai, when I feel the first hard, wet pull on my nipple. Needless to say, my arms drop limply to my sides and I lean back. August spreads my thighs and, on his knees I presume since I can’t see, settles between them, his lips never leaving my right nipple. He employs his other hand on my left. My head falls back, my breath coming fast, hot and humid into the T-shirt covering my face. He finally relinquishes my nipple, and the air cools my damp breast. I’m tugging the shirt from over my head, ready to refocus, when I feel him mouthing me through my panties.

“Lord, please,” I beg, blindly thrusting my fingers into his messy curls.

“Answering your prayers down here,” August mumbles into my thigh, his stubble a welcome abrasion. He tugs my panties aside to lick and suck and groan into my pussy. “I could do this all day.”

It does not take all day.

Tags: Kennedy Ryan Hoops Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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