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The Kingmaker

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“Like this?” I pant into the plump, wet rise between her thighs.

“Oh, God, Maxim. Yes. Come on.”

I lick her pussy, spreading the lips, tonguing her, sucking her clit. I don’t know how long I’m down there, but it’s like a fever dream. I lose myself. I’ve wanted this, her, for so long I’m afraid to stop. She spills on my tongue, the flavor so rich and even better than I remember. I groan, not wanting to stop despite the demanding throb of my cock.

She’s limp, her eyes closed, her fingers twitching, her kiss-swollen bottom lip caught between her teeth, and her cheeks streaked with tears. I lift myself to hover over her and bury my head in the dusky cloud of hair spread behind her.

“What else?” I whisper in her ear. “I want to make you feel good. What else can I do?”

Her lashes lift slowly, her pupils blown wide with lust and emotion that swallow the foggy gray of her eyes. “Fuck me.”

A shudder rips through my entire body. I don’t know if she’s begging for it or commanding it, but I want to give it to her right now. I impatiently shed my pants and briefs and jerk the sweater over my head. I settle between her legs, but she stops me.

“Wait,” she says, the one word hanging between us. “I want to see you.”

“To see me?” I can’t even compute it for a moment, but then she starts touching me, tracing the muscles in my belly and at my hips. She caresses the tattoo inked over my left pectoral.

“Endurance,” she reads. “I don’t remember that being there before.”

“It wasn’t.”

“Is that for Shackleton’s ship? Or the quality in your character?”

I smile and dot kisses over her breasts, pleased she remembered the things I told her about my expedition hero. “Both.”

She shivers under my lips and fingers, running her hand over my ass. I clench under her sensual exploration. She caresses the flanks of my thighs and urges me forward.

“You’re a beautiful man, Maxim Kingsman Cade.” A wicked grin lights her eyes and curves her lips. She opens her legs like they’re the gates to paradise.

It’s her willingness that is my undoing. She wants it as badly as I do. I prop myself on one elbow beside her head. I push in excruciatingly slowly, inch by torturous inch. My body begs to slam into her, but I want to relish these first few seconds when she’s mine again. The way her body clamps around me is literally the best thing I’ve ever felt in my life.

“Oh, my God,” she gasps, closing her eyes.

“Look at me when I’m fucking you, Lennix.”

Her eyes open, flaring at the commanding, possessive tone I can’t suppress any longer. She was right about me. I am a wolf in wolf’s clothing, and I’ll consume her if she’ll let me. I won’t leave even a crumb for another man. She is mine.

“I gave you what you wanted,” I say. “Now you give me what I want.”

“What can I do for you, Mr. Cade?” she asks, her voice teasing, husky.

I brush a few flyaway strands from her face. “Don’t shut me out ever again.”

Surprise flits across her expression. I move inside her, pushing deeper until we both groan and grip each other like this could end at any moment.

“Okay.” Her breathing is labored and thin. “I won’t shut you out.”

That’s all I want from her.

Oh, and this pussy.

“I want this.” I hook my elbow under her knee and press our foreheads together as I burrow deeper inside, as deep as possible. “Just this.”

I plow into her, and my cock is relentless in its pursuit of satisfaction. I lose my train of thought in the bliss of her body. Her legs tangle with mine. I kiss her, and it’s so tender, the way she opens for me, the emotion in something as simple as the glide of our tongues together, it makes my chest ache. I slip one hand between us, stroking her, clasping her neck as the rhythm of our bodies turns frenetic, a churning chaos of arms and legs and pussy and cock. The rich intercourse of our scents and the sounds we make enshroud us in a world that blocks out everything but this. We make a universe of our own. It’s just us, and this is where I want to be.

She is where I want to be.

I’ve spent my entire life chasing answers, solutions, truth, money, success—you name it, I’ve been driven to gain it. That drive is as much a part of my DNA as my father’s green eyes. But right now, buried inside the woman who feels like a part of me, contracting around me, our heartbeats pounding in synch, my body spilling all its secrets to hers, I gain the one thing that has eluded me all these years. A perfect stillness. An end to the searching. A found-ness, a seen-ness I didn’t even know to look for.

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