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Merry Ever After

Page 42

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“Have I mentioned that I’m thrilled you’re putting this place on the market,” Michelle said as she popped open the carton of pad thai.

We were in my kitchen after compiling the “Fix Before Listing” punch list.

After my night with Vonn, I’d shifted gears and temporarily tabled my job search in favor of focusing on my living situation. It hadn’t been a difficult choice, seeing as my editor had been really, really pissed that I’d wasted two weeks on tour and come home with nothing. But it had been the right call. Guarding Vonn’s secrets felt better than distributing them to a voracious public. Besides, I’d lost the ability to be objective when it came to a certain tattooed silver fox.

“It’s time,” I agreed, scooping my curry into a bowl.

I was casually shopping for a condo or a townhouse. Someplace dog-friendly that I could make all mine without the crushing weight of maintenance. I didn’t want to face another summer of endless mowing and power washing. I wanted to spend my time the way I decided, not the way an aging farmhouse dictated.

“How did the kids take it?” she asked as we headed into the living room where we’d left our wine glasses.

I’d finally sat the kids down and explained to them why it was time for me to move on…and why it was up to them to find new homes for their childhood memorabilia. Whinnie was going to be boarded on a horse farm just outside of town where she would be part of group riding lessons. Shane’s fifteen storage bins of action figures and toys were in the process of moving to the crawlspace over his father’s garage.

“They were shocked at first. But I think they’re coming around to the idea that I have an entire life outside of being their mother.”

“I’ll say,” Michelle said with a wicked smile. She sank down on the end of the couch where just weeks before Vonn had sat and somehow changed my life. “Have you heard from him?”

I shook my head. “I didn’t expect to. It’s not like we exchanged phone numbers or anything.” No, my night with the sexy, tattooed rocker had been just that. One night. One night that I’d never forget. Vonn had gone on to finish the West Coast portion of the band’s farewell tour, and I had returned to my quest to Become.

Though, I had to admit, there was something comforting and romantic about the idea of a man out there in the world safeguarding my secrets.

Some days I could almost feel him cheering me on.

“I just think that after a night like that and a floral arrangement delivered on Christmas morning he’d have made an effort to keep in touch. Even just to booty-call you. You’re definitely worth a booty call.”

“You’re such a romantic,” I teased.

Michelle and her husband had been married for twenty-three years. Long enough that neither one of them cared if one of them forgot their anniversary, but not so long that they were no longer interested in regular sex.

But I’d known the score when I’d kissed Vonn. It was for one night only.

Of course, that didn’t mean I hadn’t been Googling him daily, soaking up any new stories or pictures.

Vonn Barlowe announces retirement at last concert

Vonn Barlowe plans to mentor young musicians with new production company

“Brunch daddy” Vonn Barlowe steps out with daughter

Sonic Arcade had played their last concert the previous week. A sold-out show in LA Not a bad way to say goodbye.

“You are freaking awesome, you know?” Michelle pressed. “It’s easy to forget who you are outside of family life. But you’re one of my favorite people because you’re so damn amazing.”

“You’re just saying that because you’re my listing agent.”

“Speaking of real estate,” Michelle said. “I sold it.”

“Sold what?”

“The Milton Estate. The deal closed yesterday. Finally!”

“You’re kidding? Congratulations!” I slapped the back of the couch with enthusiasm. The Milton Estate had been on Michelle’s portfolio for two long years. It was a gorgeous property, but there was a very small pool of buyers who could both afford it and wanted to live in our small town.

“I mean, it’s no one-night stand with a rock star. But I thought I was going to be stuck with that place forever. So, I’m pretty happy.” She winked.

“One one-night stand and you never hear the end of it,” I said airily. “This calls for more wine.”

“I won’t argue with that,” my friend said.

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