Naughty, Naughty Prince Charming (Charming 1) - Page 16

The conference room door opened and a man appeared at the entrance. Tall and broad with raven hair, he stood there, taking in the room, dressed in a tailored suit, and an aura of power. His presence transformed the mood of the group, electricity suddenly darting around the table.

Lucy couldn’t breathe because there was no question this was her one-night stand. Her stranger. Her Logan was Logan Monroe and her new boss. This couldn’t be happening. It was an absolute nightmare. She softly inhaled and then discreetly exhaled.

Even more potent than she remembered, his presence wrapped around her like a tight glove. A comparison came to mind… He reminded her of a tiger on the prowl, a businessman with money and purpose. His fluid movements were both confident and menacing. Everyone in the room seemed to sit up an inch higher in their chairs.

And she remembered their difference. Though she was a competent businessperson, they were from different worlds. If he was caviar, she was a sardine. Tyler greeted him with a smile. “We were just talking about this great opportunity you maneuvered for us.”

The room filled with cheers but Lucy couldn’t participate. She felt like melting into the ground or bolting. Yet, escape without recognition simply wasn’t possible. As if driving the point home, Tyler focused on Lucy. “Logan, let me introduce you to our new associate. This is Lucy Stark.”

The moment of truth had arrived.

For what felt like a lifetime, Logan stared at Lucy, yet, his face showed no emotion. Her chest tightened as a flash of memories played in her mind. Of him touching her. Pleasing her. Tasting her. His eyes darkened and she knew he was thinking the same things. Destiny had played a nasty trick on her. Really, on both of them. Her one night of pleasure had come back to haunt her. Like a punishment for living a little.

Then, abruptly he walked toward her, a predatory gleam in his eyes. Without any options, she turned in her chair to watch as he stopped beside her. And damn if her nipples didn’t tingle with the memory of him suckling and teasing. It made this her biggest test of composure to date. He held out the hand that had touched her so intimately. So hotly, and a smile played on those far-too-full and sensual lips.

Tentatively, preparing herself inwardly for the impact, she slid her palm against his. And just as expected a spark of electricity surged through her body, and then landed with a hard aftershock right between her legs. And as her eyes locked with his, the words he’d spoken that night played like a soft whisper in her mind…

I’m going to kiss every inch of you so perfectly you will never, ever forget me.

She hadn’t forgotten him. Lord help her, she thought about him far too often. And now, he was here. “Welcome, Lucy Stark,” he said in a soft, sultry voice that played on her nerve endings like a seductive harp.

She swallowed. His voice evoked even more memories. Hot, burning moments with naked bodies entwined. With effort, she managed a steady voice. “Thank you.”

He was still holding her hand, and she wondered if anyone thought he held it too long. It was as if he was telling her he remembered. Like a secret acknowledgment of the intimacy they’d shared. But, then he released her hand and abruptly turned away.

Lucy struggled to shake off the impact of his touch as he took his seat at the head of the table. Reality began to ooze into the thick blanket of arousal this man evoked. Her career had just taken a sudden, definitive nosedive. Her body was alive and pulsing over the man who was now her boss.

She needed this job.

She wanted her boss.

Could things get any worse?

Chapter Eight

Logan sat at the conference table amidst the people who considered him their boss. Their future. Their new leader. And his attention was on just one person. On Lucy. For her to be here, a new employee, in his conference room, seemed impossible. All his efforts to find her after that night she’d disappeared had come up empty-handed.

And then, she just showed up.

Women didn’t get under his skin. Until Lucy. That’s why he looked for her. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. Her transformation from sexy casual to business professional did nothing to hide her amazing curves or downplay her lovely skin. It also did nothing to diminish how she affected his senses.

He wanted to touch her again. To taste her. To tease her. To feel her wet body hugging his cock as she called his name. Their night together had stayed with him on constant replay. At the oddest of times, she would appear in his thoughts. At first, he’d thought it was about pride. After all, she’d run off without a word. It had smarted. But after several days, he knew it was more. Though he’d wanted to see her again, and was immensely pleased to see her, having her work for him created complications.

Tags: Lisa Renee Jones Charming Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024