Stone (Pittsburgh Titans 2) - Page 53

Whatever that means.

Let’s just say you won’t see me driving an electric car anytime soon. I like my big SUV, and unfortunately, it guzzles gas.

There’s over six thousand square feet of workout space that runs the oblong length of the building’s river-facing side. All the equipment is state of the art and has been upgraded within the last two years. While most of the men prefer to work with free weights and barbells, there are numerous machines, including all the standard cardio torture devices like treadmills, bikes, rowing machines, and stair-climbers.

Despite the fact I had absolutely no sleep last night and came into practice after that awful encounter with Harlow, I actually killed it on the ice this morning. And when I say that awful encounter with Harlow, it’s not just because I made a complete ass of myself, but because my fucking pride got trampled when she turned me down.

Oddly, I’m in a lighter frame of mind right now as I enter the workout facility, intent on punishing my body with some heavy weights.

I’m not quite sure why my mood is so good, but it’s probably a combination of things. Getting to know my brother through his journals has given me some peace with his death. I think purging my anger with that brief, albeit violent, rampage through the condo helped. Hell, part of it might even be that soul-stealing kiss with Harlow, but my level of play this morning was focused, and I’ve never felt such connection to the sport before.

Fuck… maybe it’s Brooks’s ghost inhabiting me. Whatever it is, I’m grateful for it.

I do have to give credit to Gage, though. He and I are clicking in our respective positions of left and right wing. Normally, you want a dynamic trio, which would include the center, but Coen is playing so inconsistently, he’s almost a nonentity. That’s never been truer than lately as he’s been suspended after his arrest last week in New York. He’ll be out for the next two games, but he doesn’t seem to give a fuck. I’ve reached out to him via text to see how he’s doing since he did call me to bail him out.

His response?

Doing great.

Absolute lie, so I haven’t tried to contact him again.

Just inside the workout facility is a lounge area where the guys can hang and relax. Baden and Gage are there talking.

I take it Baden just finished a workout as he’s sweaty, whereas Gage is not.

Gage sees me and waves me over. When I approach, he asks, “You getting ready to work out?”

“Nah… thought I’d paint my nails.”

Baden snorts and Gage rolls his eyes. “Want to work out together, asshole?”

“Sure,” I reply and give my attention to Baden. “Anyone talked to Coen lately?”

“I haven’t,” Baden replies, a frown creasing his forehead. “Something up?”

I shake my head. “Not sure. He just seems to be blowing off the arrest, and it’s not like him. I mean… not that I knew him before, but by all accounts of what his reputation was prior to the crash, he’s clearly spiraling.”

“Yeah.” Baden’s troubled expression intensifies. “I know Callum has talked to him a few times.”

“He needs counseling or some shit,” I offer, knowing that’s probably not helpful. “When I bailed him out, he didn’t think there was anything wrong with what he’d done. I texted him recently, and he said it wasn’t a big deal. But this is a big deal, and he needs to get his head straight. A trip to a shrink or whatever, but the dude needs help.”

“Not sure we can mandate that he seek professional help,” Baden replies neutrally. He is a coach, after all, and won’t get into organizational policy with us. “But I’ll reach out to the appropriate folks and ask about it.”

“Good enough,” I reply.

Gage and I make our farewells and head deeper into the facility. It’s by silent agreement we’ll work barbells together, since that’s really the only time it’s wise to have a partner, especially if you’re lifting heavy, which I intend to do.

“I need to hit legs today,” I advise Gage.

“Works for me,” he replies casually, and we find an empty squat rack next to Jesper. He’s got a bench set up and is working on chest presses.

When he finishes, he sits straight and wipes his face with a towel. “What’s going on?”

Just a short greeting not really requiring a verbal response.

I nod toward the barbell. “Let us know if you need a spotter.”

“Appreciate it,” he replies as he stands. “But that was my last set.”

We shoot the shit as Jesper takes the plates off his bar and Gage and I load up for our first set of squats.

When Jesper leaves, Gage shoots a glance at his retreating back and says, “I’m glad he’s secured the starting goalie slot.”

“Me too.”

And we’re not the only ones. Baden used the first two weeks of the Titans return to the ice to let the goalies go head-to-head, giving them both an opportunity to play in home and away games. While Patrik has a slight edge in talent over Jesper, his emotions are all over the place. Sometimes he channels them positively into his play, but one time, he let it practically destroy his confidence, and we lost a game we should’ve won in New York.

Tags: Sawyer Bennett Pittsburgh Titans Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024