Stone (Pittsburgh Titans 2) - Page 69

Within five minutes, I’m back inside, naked and sliding into my bed. Stone is dead asleep, but when I scoot into him, his arms come around me without so much as a hitch in his breathing.

I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes, a smile on my face when I finally drift off.



Something scrapes across my face, not enough to hurt but enough to bring me out of a deep sleep. Before I even open my eyes, I know I’m in Harlow’s bed and that last night was beyond amazing. Last thing I remember was pulling her into my arms and drifting off to sleep. I’d never felt so relaxed—body and soul—in my life.

Things I take in immediately is that Harlow’s body is not pressed up against me. I’m on my back, incredibly hot, and something hits me again in the face.

I open my eyes, and all I see is dog paw. Black pads roughened by strolls on sidewalks, tufts of white, trimmed hair in between them, and perfectly cut claws. I know the paw is attached to Odin’s leg, and before I can raise my head to see more, the leg strikes out and the paw catches me in the cheek.

I push the leg over and stare at the furry monstrosity. Odin is on his back in between me and Harlow, dead asleep. His head is down near our feet, front arms bent into his chest and back legs sprawled like he’s in a porn magazine. One paw hovers near my face, the other near the back of Harlow’s head. She’s on her side, facing away, curled around a pillow instead of me.

Odin’s head faces Harlow, mouth slightly open, and he’s snoring.

And apparently dreaming, as his leg kicks out again. But because I’m still holding my hand up as a buffer, it doesn’t strike me.

Jesus… the dog got in bed with us and wormed his way between me and Harlow.

That’s not acceptable, especially when I prefer to wake up with her nakedness pressed against me, not a hundred and thirty pounds of fur that makes the bed feel like an oven.

I nudge his leg and whisper, “Odin… move.”

A long snore emits from his mouth, but he doesn’t flinch.

Wrapping my hand around his lower leg, I give a little shake. “Wake up.”


I release my hold on him, not willing to do any more. While we made a delicate peace after the great salmon incident and he’ll accept pets from me, he’s still a bit intimidating. I remember the bared teeth when I first walked into Harlow’s office, and I don’t think he’s fully forgiven me for that. I sure as shit don’t want to piss him off by waking him up if he’s enjoying his sleep.

With a sigh, I settle back onto my pillow and grab my phone from the bedside table.

Six fifty-five a.m.

I switch off the alarm, which is always set for seven, and consider my day.

I’d love to start it with Odin out of the bed and me inside Harlow. It’s game day, and I’ll spend most of it at the arena preparing not just physically but also getting in the right headspace. Before I fell asleep last night, I knew instinctively I wouldn’t be slinking out of her bed, trying to make an escape. Not just because I wanted her again physically—although I do certainly want that—but because I wanted to see what she had to say, see if she’s grumpy when she wakes up, learn whether she likes coffee or tea in the morning…

But yeah, I want her again. I want to start off my day sharing what we shared last night.

I’ve learned early-morning wake-up sex is apparently not how things work here. I’m suspecting that Odin has been her bedmate since she brought him home, and I doubt that’s going to change.

My lips curl into a smile. I should be irritated as fuck, but I think I love the fact she has a dog that sleeps in bed with her.

Even one that can potentially rip my throat out and who cockblocks me.

Odin kicks again, this time with the other leg, and he must connect with the back of Harlow’s head because she mutters sleepily, “Cut it out, Odin.”

Her voice alone rouses him from his snoring slumber. His head lifts and he stares bleary-eyed at his master. He decides to stretch, which causes one of those paws to come my way again. I push it gently to the side, and I’m not sure if he forgot I was in bed or what, but the minute I touch him, he’s rolling over fast on top of Harlow and jumps right off the bed before whirling around to stare at me like I’m the boogeyman.

“What’s up, Big Man?” I wave and grin at him, taking the opportunity to slide quickly over to Harlow. I spoon her from behind, the warmth of her naked body against me feeling way too good. Slipping an arm around her waist, I draw her into me and nuzzle her neck.

Tags: Sawyer Bennett Pittsburgh Titans Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024