Ego Maniac - Page 12

The smile she shot me was pretty damn close to as perfect as I’d ever seen. Then came the hug. It was a long one—those tits and that tiny, lithe body enveloped me into more than a courtesy hug. She even smelled good.

When she pulled back, she kept her hands on my arms. “I’m going to pay you back for today. Even if it takes me years.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“No, I mean it.”

We spent a few minutes more talking, exchanged numbers in case any deliveries showed up for her, and said goodbye. She was heading uptown, and I was heading down, so we parted in opposite directions. After I took a few steps, I looked back over my shoulder and watched the sway of her ass. She looked just as good going as she did coming.

That made me think… I bet she looked even more incredible when she was coming. Just as I was about to turn back around, Emerie turned in my direction, and she caught me watching her walk away. She smiled big and gave a last wave before turning the corner and disappearing out of sight.

I wanted her to pay me back for today, alright.

And I could think of several ways I’d like to collect.


I lifted my buzzing cell to my ear, catching the time as I did. Almost eleven p.m.—late for anyone to call.



That voice. I didn’t have to ask who it was. In person, his voice was deep and raspy, but it was downright gravelly on the phone.

“Drew? Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Because it’s sort of late.”

I heard the phone move around and then, “Shit. Sorry. I had no idea. I just looked at the time. I thought it was maybe nine.”

“Time flies when you spend most of the day in court with criminals, doesn’t it?”

“Guess so. I went back home, started to catch up on some work, then stopped in my office. I must’ve lost track of time.”

“I came back home, had a few glasses of wine, and felt sorry for myself some more. Your evening sounds way more productive. Are you still in the office?”

“Yeah. That’s what made me call you. I’m sitting here thinking that when you find a new office, it’s going to look very nice.”

What an odd thing

to say. “Thank you. But what makes you say that?”

“Glass and dark wood. I like it. I would have taken you for something more girly, though.”

“What are you—oh, no. They delivered my office furniture today?”

“They did.”

“How? How did they even get in when you were with me all day?”

“My contractor was here finishing up, and I hadn’t had a chance to tell him what went down yet. He thought he was doing you a favor by letting them in.”

I banged my head against my kitchen counter, then kept my forehead pressed to it to stop from bludgeoning myself. I couldn’t catch the groan that came from my mouth, though.

“I’m sorry. I’ll deal with it right away. First thing in the morning.”

Tags: Vi Keeland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024