Sway (Landry Family 1) - Page 25

"What do you mean, am I sure? Of course I'm sure."

I almost play Devil's Advocate with him, but I don't. I let him be “sure” because really, it's none of my business.

"What are you sure about?" he asks me.

"I'm sure I wasted my time delivering the food.”

I would never tell him that the smile I get in reply is worth it in itself.

"Are you saying you don't like my company, Ms. Baker?"

"I'm saying, Mr. Landry, that you could’ve called and invited me to lunch, not . . . tricked me out here." I lean forward, pasting a serious look on my face. He leans in too, and I fight the smile on my lips.

"I didn't trick you out here," he replies. “I just didn’t give you the choice to tell me no. Again.”

My laughter catches him by surprise. "You're tricky, but smooth.”

His grin turns wicked. "My moves are even smoother."

My cheeks heat, my core burning with a flame that’s starting to burn like wildfire. "Are they now?"

"Smooth as silk. If you're ever inclined to see them," he shrugs, "I'd probably be willing to show you."

I roll my eyes.

"That . . . thing you do with your eyes," he says, pointing at my face, "is almost impressive."

"It's a good thing I didn't come here to impress you then, isn't it?"

His jaw drops slightly before he recovers with a smirk. "It's a good thing I didn't ask you here to impress me."

I start to answer, but he leans closer and cuts me off. The smirk is gone and a softer smile is in its place. It makes my heart stutter.

"I didn't need you to impress me today because you impressed me last night."

"I didn't try to impress you then either,” I whisper.

"I know. That’s exactly how you did it."

My hand begins to shake and I lay it on my lap so he doesn't see. I scramble for a response, knowing this is going to go one way or the other right here, right now. But before I can come up with something, his phone rings again.

"I should go." I push back from the table and stand. He's in front of me before I can move. His eyes are holding mine, just like they did when I first met him. My heart is beating so fast I'm afraid it's going to thump right out of my chest. He overtakes all of my senses—his burning eyes, his jagged breath that matches mine, the feeling of his hand on my arm, and, before I know it, the taste of his mouth against mine.

I take in a quick breath as our lips touch. The contact zips through me, making me tingle from head to toe. I try to pull back, but a hand is at the back of my head pressing me firmly against him. My will to fight flees as his hands fall to the small of my back. I'm completely pulled into his web and I like it. Too much. He kisses in the same way he does everything—with power and passion and with no relenting. It's completely and utterly overwhelming.

He tastes of heat and energy, of confidence and practice. He tastes like a man should taste, and my lips tremble as my senses are overtaken.

His body is as solid as I imagined, his lips as supple and sweet as I dreamed. His lips open mine slowly, leisurely, and he breathes into my mouth. The heat and intimacy cause my knees to buckle and I lean against him, feeling his cock hard against my stomach.

I bri

ng a hand to the side of his face and let it skim across the stubble. He pulls me tighter into him, his hands caressing my back, playing with the hem of my shirt. My breath quickens as his fingertips ghost over the delicate skin of my back and dip beneath the top of my jeans.

A growl emits from his throat, coursing through me and shaking me back to reality.

I pull away . . . and he lets me.

The room feels ten times smaller than it did before.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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