Sway (Landry Family 1) - Page 52

I try not to get embarrassed in the comparison of the before and after because this is where I am now and this is who I am. And I’m for the better because of it in all the ways that matter.

Pulling out a chair, he motions for me to sit. "I hope steak and Petrus Pomeral will do."

"I'll be honest," I say as I lower myself into the chair. "I love steak but I have no idea what the other thing is."

His laugh fills the air, floating on the gentle breeze that flutters the candlelight. "It's a French wine. My favorite. You do like wine, don't you?"

"Do I like wine?" I scoff. "What kind of question is that?"

"A question someone asks someone else when they want to know more about them.”

I grin as he sits across from me. I love watching him move, his muscles flex as he bends and pushes.

He lifts the silver lid in front of him and I do the same. Sitting beneath the cover is a large steak, heat still rising from the plate. I have no idea how he managed to put all of this together, but I suppose it’s easy when you’re a Landry.

“Did your day get any better?” I ask, watching a shadow roll over his face.

“Not really. It won’t get any better for awhile.” He looks up at me. “As far as work goes, anyway.”

A smile stretches across my face and I’m happy to see it returned.

“How was yours?” he asks.

“I got a little studying done before I left for work. I’ll have to finish it when I get home. But otherwise, it was good.”

“You could’ve brought your homework here,” he suggests. “I could’ve helped you study.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Sure. It would put you to sleep.”

“If I can stay awake in meetings about a dog park, I’m pretty sure I can stay awake watching you read. I’d probably even like it.”

Flushing, I take a sip of my wine. It’s rich and delicious.

“Did your son have a good day fishing today with your father? They went again, right?”

“Yeah,” I laugh, remembering his call on the way here. “They had fun.”

“Did his father ever do that kind of thing with him?”

I look away. “No, not really. Hayden was always busy.”

“I shouldn’t have asked that. I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s fine. I just don’t think about that any more than I have to. I avoid it at all costs, really.”

“I can understand that,” he smiles softly. “Hux just seems like a great kid. Lincoln loved him.”

Laughing, I place my glass back on the table. “Because he called you out about your pitch.”

Barrett chuckles.

“Hux liked Lincoln too. He pretty much thinks he met a rock star.”

“Yeah, well, that’s because they’re probably interested in the same things. Baseball and girls.”

“My son doesn’t like girls!” I exclaim.

“Give it time,” Barrett chuckles. “They’ll be calling your phone all hours of the night.”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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