Sway (Landry Family 1) - Page 57

"Yes," she exhales. She untangles her body from mine and sweeps her hair off to one side. She gives me a soft smile that only makes me want to sweep her lips up again with mine. So I do.

"I think I need to clean up,” she whispers as she pulls away.

"There's a restroom behind the fireplace." I help her off the table, fighting the urge to pull her into me instead.

She glances up at me through her thick lashes, her cheeks still blazing from the thorough fucking moments earlier.

I can only watch her go. I'm not sure what the hell just happened. I am sure I'm probably fucked in a lot more ways than one.


"TELL ME THE GRAPES CAME out!" Lola giggles through the phone.

“Of course they did,” I laugh, “but I’m not telling you how or where.”

"This is the best story I've ever heard. I just have chills. I have legit chills, Ali."

"Me too. You don’t even understand.”

"I'm going to need to call Isaac now and try to replay this, although it’ll never measure up. Oh. My. Lord."

I laugh, falling back on my bed. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of being happy. Of feeling sexy. Of feeling like my body just got rocked.

"I just . . . You've rendered me speechless! Here I thought I was the dirty bird!"

"He's everything." I remember the look in his eyes, the lust nearly palpable, as he kissed up my leg. I shiver, drawing my legs together. I can still feel his touch, the way his fingertips drew lightly up my skin. The way his tongue dipped inside me. The way his cock felt as it plunged deeply into me.

"Ali? Earth to Ali," Lola says, luring me out of my memory. "Am I talking to myself?"

"I'm here."

She snorts. "I think you're still in the quasi-winery. I know I would be. Hell, I kind of am and I haven't even been properly graped."

"I don't know how I'll ever forget that, Lola. It was just erotic. Completely mind-blowing."

"And you got to experience that."

I prop up on my elbows. "Thank God for small favors. Or not small. There's nothing small about him."

"Shut. Up," she sighs. "So when are you seeing him again?"

I pause, trying to figure out how to broach the subject. Apparently it’s too long of a silence because Lola picks right up on it.

“Why do I get a feeling you’re not telling me something huge?”

“I already told you he was huge,” I deflect to the best of my ability.

“You know what I mean. Not talking cock size for once.”

“We agreed to take things slowly,” I state as simply as possible.

“Whoa!” Something crashes in the background, the sound of bottles being knocked against tile. “Does that mean what I think it means?”

Sighing, I brace myself. “If you think that means I’m dating, for a lack of a better word, the mayor, then yes. It does.”

“What happened to you over the last twelve hours? You call me on the way to work, all sobbing about Huxley going fishing. Then you call me and just got a grape sucked out of your hoohah and are dating the most eligible bachelor in the country?”

“Yeah, that pretty much sums it up,” I laugh, unable to believe it myself. Every time I think about it, I automatically try to panic. Yet the worry doesn’t come. It just feels like I’m where I should be.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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