Sway (Landry Family 1) - Page 60

“You are very welcome. I want to have lunch with you soon if you can swing it. I miss seeing your handsome face.”

“I’ll figure something out this week. I have to meet Monroe in the morning . . .”

She takes in a quick breath. “One more thing—Paulina said she was happy to arrange a dinner for you with some of her friends. I know one’s a prosecutor and one is a tremendous benefactor at the hospital in Mason. Maybe that would help?”

I know Paulina’s dinners all too well, and they always end up with her and me getting it on. I’m normally game for that, but things have changed. Majorly.

“I really don’t have any openings in my calendar for something like that,” I say, trying to di

ssuade her from pushing the issue.

“She said it’d be something small, something intimate.”

I bet.

I try to hide my chuckle. “It’s probably not a good idea, but please thank her for me.”

“Will do. Get some sleep. We’ll talk soon.”

“Love you,” I say, kicking off my shoes.



“Trust your instincts. They’ll never let you down.”


STEAM ROLLS OUT OF THE bathroom as I push the door open. It follows me into the bedroom. I pull the towel tighter around my waist, feeling better after the near-scalding water beat down on me for awhile.

My phone buzzes on my nightstand and I scurry across the room to get it. I haven’t seen Alison in a few days, not since the night she agreed to try things with me, and her calls and texts are the only bright spot in a never-ending life of exasperation.

The thought of her displayed just for me, her shy smile, her sweet voice makes my dick hard. I need to see her.

Picking up the phone and swiping it without looking at the screen, a wide grin is planted on my face when I answer. “Landry.”

“Hey, Barrett,” Daphne croons. “How are you, sugar?”

My eyes roll back in my head, my hand finding my hair. Stifling a groan that begs to erupt, I sit on the edge of my bed.

“Not much.”

An awkward pause settles over the line. Finally, she huffs, taking my lack of interest in her pussy personally. “Barrett? What’s going on?”

“What do you mean?”

“You know exactly what I mean. I haven’t heard from you, haven’t seen you around at all. What’s gotten into you?”

“Nothing has gotten into me,” I mutter. “Look, Daph, I’m just busy these days.”

“Let me relieve some stress, sugar.”

I suck in a deep breath and wish I hadn’t answered this call. “That’s okay.”

“You never turned down pussy, especially when it’s mine, and I promise to wear that black lacy thong you love so much.”

Sighing, I try to keep composed. “I’m tired.”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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