Sway (Landry Family 1) - Page 97

I GLANCE IN THE REARVIEW mirror. The blue sedan stays four or five car lengths back, just as it has since I left Hillary’s. I swung by there after dropping Huxley off at my mom’s to get my schedule and to ask to switch a couple of days around to accommodate a musical at Hux’s school and a catering event. The sedan pulled out behind me and has followed me ever since.

Nearing the turnoff to my house, I consider calling Barrett. I haven’t physically seen him in a few days, our schedules refusing to coincide. We’ve talked on the phone numerous times every day. The stress of his campaign and our ridiculous schedules have cramped our face time.

It’s for the best though. Everything has been a whirlwind these past few months since we met at the charity event and the little break in our schedules has given me time to evaluate everything from a distance.

It’s only made me miss him more.

Nothing is the same without him around. Hux has noticed it too.

When Barrett is around, things seem brighter. My life is enriched from more than just being a mother. I’m a woman wanted by a man that is everything I could ever want and then a little more. He respects me, he appreciates me, he cherishes me, and unless I’m completely wrong, he might be starting to fall in love with me.

And I’m starting to fall in love with him.

The thought is terrifying and exhilarating at once.

Glancing up again, the car is nowhere to be seen. I check twice, three times, but it’s gone. Still, I grab my phone to call Barrett just as his number rings me. I smile as I answer it.

“Hey, you!”


babe,” he says, his voice husky. I can hear the exhaustion thick in his tone. It gets deeper every day. I’m worried about how he’s taking the campaign and the pressures on him, but he always says he’s fine. “Are you home?”

“Almost,” I say, turning onto my street. “I had some errands to run.”

“I’m ten minutes away and I’d like to stop by if that’s all right.”

“I’d love that,” I grin. “I’ll see you then.”

I navigate the car into my driveway and race in with anticipation of seeing him. I glance in the entry mirror and try to get some semblance of style in my hair and plop on some lip gloss. Before I can do all the things I’d like to, he’s knocking at the door.

Pulling it open, I’m met with his handsome face. He grins and steps inside, closing the door behind him. Our lips meet immediately, like there’s no other way, and I sigh softly into his mouth.

“I’ve missed you,” I whisper, feeling his lips work over mine.

“I’ve missed you.”

He takes my hand and leads me in the living room. I follow, but the hair on the back of my neck stands on end.

“Is everything okay?” I ask.

We sit on the sofa and he looks at me and I know everything is not, in fact, okay. His eyes are filled with concern, his shoulders rigid, waiting on some assault I have no idea how to identify.

My stomach free-falls into an abyss.

“Did you see the news today?” he asks, his words careful.

“No. Why?”

His head bows slightly, his eyes going to the floor, before he looks at me again. “Fucking Hobbs.”

“What did he say?”

Barrett’s jaw clenches, his temple pulsing with frustration. I’m terrified by the look in his eye—one not directed at me, but it doesn’t matter. He’s ready to go unleashed.

“I’m going to cut to the chase,” he gulps, looking away again. “He basically used you to get at me.”

“What?” I say, shooting to my feet. My heart races, my mind going right along with it.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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