Sway (Landry Family 1) - Page 134

“You like him?”

His smile breaks across his face, his eyes sparkling. “I do. He likes you, I can tell. And I think he likes me too.”

“I think he does too.” I pat my eyes, my heart filling in my chest.

When you know, you know.

“You want to go home today?” I ask.

He nods and grabs his Arrows cap off the back of the chair.

“Well, I guess I should go cast my vote today,” I laugh, picking up my purse.

We exchange a look and then stand and head to the cash register.


THE FARM IS NOISY IN the way it only is when my brothers are home. Ford got in late last night but was still asleep earlier when Lincoln, Graham, and I left for the press conference.

There are bags and newspapers and empty water bottles everywhere. It's like the old days before we all grew up and went our separate ways. I usually love this feeling of having everyone

I love in one place, except, this time, someone is missing.

Lincoln is in the living room watching the latest sports stories. Graham is up in my office getting an update on the polls today and the reaction from my speech.

I look at the stairs as Ford comes down. He's wearing a pair of grey sweats and no shirt. The fucker looks like Rambo with his chiseled abs and tanned skin.

"Hey," I say, pulling him into a one-armed hug.

He runs his hand across his buzz-cut. "There you are. Fucker didn't even wake me up this morning. I travel the world to show my support and you leave me in bed.”

"I figured a few hours of rest wouldn’t hurt you.”

He walks past me to the coffee pot. "Graham and Lincoln filled me in, both about the press conference and your new girl. But between the two of us, you better watch leaving Lincoln alone with her!" He says that loud enough for Lincoln to hear, and Lincoln responds to him by flying the bird over his shoulder.

Ford pours us both a cup of coffee and drinks his black. I pour some creamer in mine and relax against the cabinet. "Have you heard from her?" he asks.

"No,” I say, filling with dread. “I’ve been calling and texting her. It’s ringing through now, which is a plus, but she’s not answering.”

"She’ll come around,” he grins.

I shrug and take another drink. "It's nice having you here."

"I'm up for discharge in a couple of months," he says over the brim of his mug. "I'm thinking about taking it."

"Are you really?"

He nods. "I am. I always thought I'd stay in until I retired, but I miss home. I miss having a normal life."

"You and I both."

He nods knowingly.

"Yeah, well, I probably just fucked up everything. I guess I should really start defining a new normal.”

I feel the stress I'd managed to avoid for a while return. I stretch my neck, willing the kinks to go away.

“Have you heard from Dad?” Ford asks.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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