Sway (Landry Family 1) - Page 138

I take a second to adjust, to feel the fullness. It's heady, a complete turn-on to feel him inside me while I look him in the eye and see that. That indefinable look in his eye that makes me feel like the most important, sexiest person in the universe.

"Ah," I breathe, grinding myself against him. His cock rubs against the walls of my vagina, the contact causing my clit to stroke against his body. His gaze is heavy on me, stroking my skin in its own way. I'm completely owned in this moment by Barrett Landry, and it feels unbelievable.

It's different this time—more intimate, more sensual, more personal.

"I feel it too," he says, reading my mind. He raises his hips, pressing farther into me. I can't stifle the moan that escapes my lips.

Pulling off of him in the most subtle way, I mix up my motion. I rock in a circle and then pump up and down, the differences in stimulation working me into a frenzy.

"That feels so good, babe," he says as he lifts my shirt off over my head. My breasts bounce inside the red lace covering them. "And that looks just as good. My God."

He meets me thrust for thrust, the intensity in his eyes picking up. My entire body is on fire from his touch, his cock, his gaze, and I feel like I'm going to combust.

I shift my weight onto my feet and slide my body down his shaft. A smirk covers his face.

"Keep it up and this will be over before it's really even begun."

"I can't help it," I whimper, feeling his cock stroke my clit as I lift up and then lower down again. "Fuck, this feels so good."

I bounce harder, his hands finding my breasts. He frees them from the lace, cupping them in his hands. His eyes squeeze shut, his mouth hanging open far enough so I can hear his quickened breaths.

His cock swells inside me. His muscles flex as his eyes shoot open. "I'm warning you. You better stop if you don't want me losing it."

"Lose it." I slam down, grinding my body against his. The friction hits every stimulus, his hands squeezing my breasts. He leans up just enough to take my mouth with his, pressing a kiss that’s a tattoo on my lips.

"Ali . . .” Flopping back against the pillows, I watch him enjoy me and it's enough to put me over the edge.

I grind harder, trying to touch his body with mine at every possible point, and I light up from the inside out.

Warmth erupts from my groin, surging through my core and to my cheeks. Fireworks flash before my eyes, my head trying to comprehend all of the sensations and feeling like it's going to explode.

Barrett groans beneath me, the sexiest thing I've ever heard. It only intensifies everything I'm feeling.

The world-shattering high lasts longer than I expect and it seems like eternity before I float back to Earth. Once I do, my hair sticking to my skin with sweat, my breathing ragged, I find him watching me with a smile on his face.

I blush. "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"I don't know," I giggle, my cheeks flushing again.

"Like that was the first time that's ever felt that way to me?"

My heart swells because I believe it. I can tell he means it by the look in his eyes.

"That's what I'm looking forward to, babe. That's what I've been missing my entire life. But now I have it and I won't let it go."

I climb off of him and snuggle against his side. He pulls a blanket haphazardly over us before kissing my head.

"Thank you," I whisper.

"For what?"

"For being the first person to make me feel like I'm worthy."

"Oh, Ali, I believe it's the other way around."

"Hmmm . . .” My lashes flutter closed. The stress of the last few days disseminates as I lie in his arms.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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