Sweet (Landry Family 6) - Page 16

I laugh as I type out my response.

Me: Why would I tell you that?

Maddox: Because I need it. Now give it to me.

Me: What are you going to do with it?

Maddox: None of your business.

Me: I have the password, so I’m making it my business.

I don’t really care what he’s doing with it. I just can’t give in too easily. Gotta make him work for it.

Maddox: Fine. I was going to send you a present. You ruined the surprise.

I laugh. “Lies.”

Me: Make it new shoes. Black ones.

Maddox: I’ll send two pairs.

Me: It’s 0310abc

Maddox: Is that 0310 for March 10th? Your birthday?

Me: Maybe.

Maddox: Why is it never my birthday? *pleading face emoji*

Me: Because she loves me more.

Maddox: Bye.

I shove the phone in my pocket. “Sorry about that. Maddox needed Mom’s password.”

“Did you give it to him?”

“Yeah. He’s probably trying to get a movie pulled up for Dad. My parents can’t operate their electronics.”

I get to my feet and take the five steps to the door. “I need to get going. Want to check out those two apartments with me tomorrow?”

“If I get out of work. I’m supposed to have a half-day, but we’ll see how that works out. If it’s Polly coming in for me, I’ll be there until close. I love that for me.”

That sucks. She has to pick up Polly’s shifts all the time. “Well, let me know.”

Kinsley gets to her feet and pulls me into a quick hug. “Have fun tonight.” She wiggles her eyebrows.

I snort.

“That’s exactly how I meant it.”

“I’d be game,” I say, slipping on my shoes. “I’d probably die because I don’t think he’d ever really take me up on it. I needle him all the time because I know I’m off-limits to him. Man, I talk good smack but don’t really have the ass to back it up.”

“No—your ass is hot. You just need to, you know, tread carefully, or you might get yourself in pretty deep.”

“I bet it’d go deep.”

We laugh together. But as I laugh at my joke, I start thinking about what I said. I do talk a lot and push a lot of buttons for someone who’s never had sex. I always panic at the last moment and stop. The idea of giving my body to someone, especially for the first time, is overwhelming. I’ve never wanted a guy to have that piece of me, never wanted to let them in that far. It’s cost me a lot of relationships.

But the idea of being with Nate doesn’t feel as terrifying. Would I freak out when the time came? I don’t know. Maybe. But a part of me knows I’d be safe with him … and a part of me really wants him to be that guy.

“I’ll let you know of any status updates,” I say.

“Please do. I’ll light a candle for your virginity tonight.”

“You do that.” I laugh. “Talk to you later.”

“Bye, Paige.”

I slip into the hallway. Then I walk through the lobby that smells vaguely of curry and make my way outside.

I tug my sweatshirt closer against me as I bow my head against the wind. My car is at the end of the parking lot, and by the time I get there, I’m nearly a popsicle.

After starting the engine, I turn the heater on high. Naturally, it bursts cold air into the cab. Just as I yelp from the frigidity, my phone rings.

Mom. I smile.

“Hi,” I say, turning the vents down.

“Where are you? It sounds like you’re in a tunnel.”

“Just my car. Sorry about that,” I say, sitting back. “I cranked the heat up, but there’s no heat yet. So it was just assaulting me, basically.”

She laughs. “Is everything going okay? I haven’t heard from you today.”

My chest fills with a warmth that I wish I could bottle up and keep forever. But, like it always does, it eventually dissipates.

“I’m fine. Great, actually,” I say. “I spent the day with my friend Kinsley and am on my way to Nate’s now.”

She sighs.

“It’s fine, Mom,” I say. “I wouldn’t be staying there if it wasn’t.”

“I know. And I trust you, honey. You have wonderful instincts.”

But … I stare off into the distance.

“But it’s hard for me not to know any of the people in your life. Are they taking good care of my baby girl? Do they know how precious you are to me? Do they know what I would have your brothers do if they ever hurt you? Because I’d give up my Switzerland status for that.”

I laugh. “I love you, too, Mom. And, yes, they are taking good care of me.”

Mom hates that she and Dad haven’t come to Savannah since the first month I got here. I always try to visit them once a month because I miss my family so much. And, if I’m being honest, I like having my own space and life up here. They’ll be here soon. I’ve probably kept her away as long as I can. God love her.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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