Sweet (Landry Family 6) - Page 50

Marcie: Hey, I know I’ve been avoiding you, and I’m sorry. I completely screwed you over, and I’m sorry for that too. Like, more than you realize.

I stop walking.

Me: Thank you for the apology. Are you okay? I’m worried about you.

Marcie: Only you would worry about me after I got you kicked out of your house.

Me: I’m not happy about that, but I found a place to stay. It worked out. Your mom indicated that you were with her?

Marcie: Yeah. I got myself into some trouble. I should’ve asked for help from my parents or someone, but I didn’t. And I got in too deep to climb back out on my own.

What does that mean? My curiosity is piqued but asking her what she means feels wrong. If she wanted me to know, she’d tell me.

Me: So you’re safe now? It’s all okay?

Marcie: It will be okay. Yes, I’m safe. I just wanted to apologize to you. I feel awful. Truly.

Me: Reach out anytime and when you feel like it, let’s meet up for burritos. I think it’s my turn to pay. *winking emoji*

Marcie: You’re the best, Paige. Xo

“I feel like I weigh one hundred pounds less without all those damn books,” Kinsley says. “You’d think we’d have online course material at this point. I’m going to file a complaint with … someone.”

We start walking toward our favorite burger joint on campus.

“You do that.” I slide my phone back in my pocket and sigh. “I just heard from Marcie.”

Kinsley’s head whips to mine. “You did? What did she say?”

“She apologized.”

“As she should’ve.”

I frown. Kinsley, Marcie, and I were the three musketeers. It would feel natural to talk to Kinsley about our friends, but the nature of what Marcie shared with me was so personal.

“She just said she was safe,” I say, avoiding the rest of it. “And that she’d find me soon for burritos.”

“So she didn’t mention what the heck happened?”

“No. Not really.”


We go inside the restaurant and seat ourselves by the window. The view overlooks the Greens, my favorite part of campus. It’s an expansive lawn with tall, towering trees. I love to sit under them and study on sunny days.

The server arrives. We wave off the menus and order our regular go-to lunches. Once she’s gone, Kinsley’s arms rest on the table. Her look is pointed.

“Okay,” she said. “Time to talk. You no-showed on me the other night and then completely avoided my calls and texts yesterday.”

“No,” I say, waggling a finger in her direction. “I texted you back.”

“And said, ‘can’t talk but can’t wait to see you tomorrow’ and a winking emoji. The winking emoji was the only reason I didn’t do a welfare check.”

I shift around in my seat as my cheeks begin to warm.

Kinsley’s mouth drops. “Oh, my …. Paige.” She narrows her eyes. “Paige.”

I don’t even try to hide the smile that stretches from ear to ear. “Yes.”

She squeals. “Okay. Tell me all of it.”

“Kins …”

“No, dammit. I want to know. Was it good? Did it hurt? What was he like? What does this mean?” She squeals again. “Is he as hot without clothes as I bet he is?”

So many things race through my mind that I don’t know where to start. I try to grab one of them to begin, but my friend is impatient.


“Okay. Just calm down.” I laugh and relax back into the booth. “Was it good? No. It was … I mean, I don’t know what it’s like for most people, but I can’t imagine it being better than it was.”

Kinsley grins.

I shiver, just remembering the way he touched me, spoke to me—the way he took care of me.

“It was perfect, Kins.”

“I am so happy for you.”

“He was so gentle and went so slow. His level of attentiveness was just wow.” I lean back as the server sets our drinks in front of us. “Those Reddit people don’t know shit.”

“I had a feeling he would be like that. He walks around like a man who knows what he’s doing.”

“That he does.”

She sips her water. “So what now? What about the apartment?”

I take a drink—a long one—to buy myself some time. Honestly? I don’t know what happens now. Yes, Nate and I are a thing. A couple. I need to get used to saying that.

When I woke up this morning to Nate’s arm draped over my stomach and his head buried in the crook of my neck, I panicked. It was a shock to my system when I remembered that I am in a relationship.

All it took to calm me was Nate kissing my shoulder. I’m still a little scared about what this all means, but at the same time—it feels exactly right.

But does that mean I stay with him? He hasn’t implied that I’m welcome there for the next who knows how long. And what about Ryder? It’s only going to get more complicated to navigate our way around him and his needs.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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