Sweet (Landry Family 6) - Page 53

My stomach clenches as I consider how Paige may take the ribbing from Murray. The last thing I want, the last thing I need, is for him to say something stupid and strike fear in her.

I drop my hand and exhale.

“I’m going to ask you as your friend instead of telling you like your boss to please not say shit to Paige,” I say, nearly pleading with Murray. “I know it’s funny and whatever, but when she’s here, she’s at work. Keep it to workish topics, okay?”

“We never talk about work.”

“Murray …” I warn.

“I get it. I’m just screwing around with you, Nate. While I do find it funny and the opportunity to tease here is just …” He touches his fingertips to his lips like a chef’s kiss. “I won’t do it, mostly because I really like you, and I don’t hate her.”

His wide smile does nothing to ease my anxiety.

“Now go wash your hands after they’ve touched your filthy mouth,” Kira says.

Murray sighs and turns toward the sink.

“Hey, Paige,” Kira says, her voice bright.

I look over my shoulder as Paige walks in. She’s adorable in a pair of black joggers and a tight white shirt. I love how her body dips and curves—especially now that I know my hands fit in those bends perfectly.

Paige smiles in a way I didn’t expect. I hold my breath, letting her take the lead. What is she going to do?

She comes up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist. I grab her hands at my stomach and hold them there. She presses a kiss against my spine, nestling her face in my back.

I hold my breath, shocked at her public display of affection. Not that I’m against it. I’d fuck her in the middle of the bar if I wouldn’t be pissed that others saw her naked. But I hadn’t thought about what it might be like for us in front of other people without Ryder around. And I wasn’t sure how she’d take to the whole relationship thing.

Guess she took it well.

I smile.

“This isn’t fair,” Murray says, drying his hands off.

“What’s not fair?” Paige presses another kiss on my back and then slides around to my side. “What are we talking about?”

Murray looks at me with the blankest face I’ve ever seen. I struggle not to laugh.

“Well …” Paige says, looking up at me. “What’s going on here?”

I wrap my arm around her waist and grin. “I was just dancing around the topic of you and me.”

“Are you embarrassed by me?” she asks, grinning back at me.

There’s no way in hell, baby.

“Apparently, I’m not allowed to say a word to you about this whole thing, but you can do that,” Murray says, pointing at us, “and I have to, what, be blind?”

“No. You have to be polite and not an asshole. Big difference,” Kira says.

“Murray not be an asshole? Is that even possible?” Paige asks.

He points at her again. “She’s teasing me, and I can’t tease her. That’s favoritism.”

I start to pull away from Paige and escort Murray outside to lay down the law when Paige laughs.

“What’s there to tease about?” she asks, stepping to the side and out from under my arm. “I’m going to tell you right now that I’m going to kiss him every time I see him. Do you want to tease me about that? Cool.”

Well, all right then.

Shocked, I watch her silently.

Murray looks at me with big, pleading eyes.

“I mean, I’m not going to use my leverage here to make sure I get to work with you on Friday nights or anything,” Paige says, trying not to smile. “That would be unfair.”

“You told her?” Murray’s jaw drops. “Come on, man.”

Paige puts her hand on her hips. “I’m just teasing you.”

“And I can’t tease you.”

“Yes, you can. Because sooner or later, you’re gonna like me too.”

He slumps against the sink. “Eh.”

“Why don’t you like me? Huh? Tell me.”

She gives him the look she gives me that makes me squirm. It seems to have the same effect on him.

He shifts his weight back and forth, unable to stand still. Finally, he sighs.

“You’re so loud. And bossy. And you get your hands in everything, and you won’t listen to anyone else’s opinions.”

She grins. “Okay.”

He flinches. “Okay? That’s it?”

“I’m just listening to you. Do you want to say anything else?”

He drops his jaw, realizing she’s one step ahead of him.

That’s my girl.

“Murray, I want to be friends. I’ll be quieter, and I’ll attempt to listen, but I’ll probably not be as bossy. Sound like a plan?”

“What just happened here?” Murray looks at Paige, then Kira, then at me. “What did you do to her?”

“You don’t want to know,” I say, smiling.

Paige laughs, returning to my side. Where she belongs. Then she looks at Kira.

“How are you? I’m sorry for running out of here the other night like that.”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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