Switch (Landry Family 3) - Page 30

iling smugly, I put a fresh spritz of perfume on my wrists and dump my things back in my purse. Every time he did run into me today, he tried to seem unaffected. The fact of the matter is he tried too hard, because it was obvious. Good. Let’s see how he reacts to this.

Switching out my office-approved footwear for a pair of black heels, I wheel around to face my computer. This will either work or it won’t. Either way, I need it to fall one way or the other. He’ll bite or he’ll let go—I’m giving him the opportunity and will respond based on his reaction.

I can’t handle this back-and-forth. If I have to force his hand a bit, I will. For the both of us.

I type out the email I’ve been constructing all day in my head.

* * *

To: Graham Landry, CEO

From: Mallory Sims, Administrative Assistant

Re: Employment

Dear Mr. Landry,

Due to recent events, I would like to deliver my intent to leave employment with Landry Holdings. I will stay as long as necessary to find an adequate replacement, however, I’ve come to believe our working relationship may not be sustainable.

I appreciate the opportunity to work with you and will gladly assist any way I can in transferring the position.

Thank you again,


* * *

I hit SEND before I can rethink it . . . or before I can add “I wasn’t wearing panties today either.” I’m not sure how he’ll take my announcement, but it’s Friday, so I should be good to go until Monday morning.

I almost make it around my desk when his office doors fly open. He stands in the doorway, his eyes dark. “Can you come talk to me for a minute before you leave?”

“Sure,” I say, my heart striking my ribcage with so much force I think it might stop beating. Following him in his office, he closes the door behind him.

“Have a seat.” He motions towards the chair in front of his desk as he drops into his seat behind it.

Pulling myself together, I cross one leg over the other as casually as I can manage and smile. He bit. Now to see how hard. “What can I do for you, Graham?”

“You’re quitting?”

“I take it you got my email.”

He sighs, not out of exasperation, but out of annoyance. That annoys me.

“Does that not work for you?” I ask.

He just narrows his eyes.

“Look, Graham, I don’t want to complicate things for you. And I think I have,” I gulp.

“You have no idea,” he mutters. He shakes his head. “This is because I didn’t kiss you yesterday, isn’t it?”

“Don’t be so self-absorbed,” I say, although he’s right. This is because he didn’t kiss me, but I’m not sure how I would’ve felt, besides even more turned the hell on, if he had. Maybe it would’ve been awkward either way and we would’ve ended up here regardless. “This is about me wanting to work somewhere that I can understand my boss. Where I don’t feel his eyes undressing me one minute and then having him act like it’s a completely ridiculous thing to think the next.”

“I’ve never acted like it would be ridiculous to kiss you.” His eyes darken further. I shiver as he stares at me, slowly lifting himself out of his chair.

“I’ll admit I like it when you look at me like that.”


Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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