Switch (Landry Family 3) - Page 76

“Hi, Mal!” I look up to see Sienna and Camilla coming towards me. In matching yellow bridesmaid’s dresses, their hair swept up in fancy chignons, they look beautiful. “That dress on you is gorgeous. Graham’s going to die,” Sienna gushes.

“It’s Joy’s,” I say brightly. “It’s pretty, isn’t it?”

“I love how it tucks right at your waist. And that pink is definitely your color,” Cam smiles. “Did you just get here?”

I nod, looking around the Farm. Soft, twinkling yellow lights lead down the path towards the back of the house. Fabric in shades of yellows and pinks is draped over the walkway, creating an inviting, stylish ambiance. Guests bustle around, some with champagne flutes in their hands, all dressed to the absolute nines.

It’s breathtakingly beautiful. Simple and elegant at the same time. Very Landry.

“We need to be going inside,” Camilla says. “We have a few pictures to take before the wedding starts.”

“I still can’t believe Lincoln is getting married,” Sienna laughs. “I never thought he’d be first. As a matter of fact, I thought he’d be last.”

“Me either,” Camilla agrees.

“You’re staying for the reception, right?” Sienna asks me.

“Um, I think so. I’m at Graham’s mercy.”

“That sucks.”

“Why?” I laugh.

“Because he never stays long at things. He stays until the moment he can leave,” Camilla answers. “He’s not a people person.”

I yelp as a hand presses against the small of my back. When I look back, my eyes lock with Graham’s. It’s a mixture of all-out fire and the sweetest warmth I can imagine.

“Hey,” he whispers, his palm pressing into me a little more. “You look absolutely beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“We’re out of here,” Sienna scoffs playfully. “I think we’re getting pictures in just a few minutes, G. Don’t be late. Mom is already an emotional mess.”

“I won’t,” he says to her, his eyes still on me. “Thank you for coming.”

“Of course,” I say, finding my voice.

“I hate I couldn’t pick you up and bring you here myself. But, being Best Man and all, I had duties to fulfill.”

He offers me the crook of his arm and I take it. It’s impossible to miss the twinkle in his eye as we make our way towards the archway next to an open-air structure. It’s loaded with flowers—a happy, carefree, elegant visual as soft music plays from hidden speakers.

“After the ceremony, the reception is in there.” He points to an open-air structure that nearly glows from the candles lit inside. “I’ll meet you there.”

“Sounds good.”

Our steps slow as Graham’s father rounds the corner, spying us, and makes a beeline our way. I start to remove my hand from Graham’s arm, not sure if it is appropriate, but his hand clamps down on mine, making it impossible to move.

“I didn’t know you were joining us today,” Mr. Landry says. “It’s nice to see you, Mallory.”

“It’s nice to be here, Mr. Landry.”

“You can call me Harris.”

“I’ll try,” I laugh. “You’re technically my boss.”

“Graham is your boss. I’m just an old man that makes sure his son doesn’t get out of line.” He looks at Graham and smiles proudly. “I have a feeling he’s doing just fine.”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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