Switch (Landry Family 3) - Page 100

Graham has changed how I view a lot of things. He took my preconceived notions of life and love and switched them all around.

He catches me watching him and makes a disgusted face as he picks up an egg shell. Even as his features are all squished together in mock-horror, I see something there I’ve not seen in anyone else. Not when they’re looking at me. It’s in his beautiful eyes that I learned the difference between Graham’s love and everyone else’s. Love isn’t the words you use to say it, but the actions you take to prove it’s true. Graham proves he loves me every day—faults and all.

“Are you going to get up and help me?” he teases, stretching his arms to the side to indicate the enormity of the mess.

I think about it for a half a second. Grinning, I sit back in my chair. “Nah, I’ll just watch you. The view from here is too damned good.”

The End

Landry Family Series:

SWAY (Barrett)

SWING (Lincoln)

SWITCH (Graham)

SWEAR (Ford)—coming fall 2017

Turn the page for an excerpt of The Exception

IF I CLOSE my eyes, maybe she’ll disappear.

“That was amazing. So good, Cane.”

Maybe not.

The woman nestled against me, her hand draping across my body. She stroked my skin, the intimacy of the action curling my stomach.

I switched on the bedside lamp, letting my eyes adjust to the bright light. Glancing at the clock, I pushed her hand away.

It’s not too late. She can still go home.

Sitting up, I swung my legs over the side of the bed; my body groaned in response. I stretched my arms overhead in an attempt to work some life back into my exhausted muscles.

This girl was a decent choice for a last minute decision. Memories of her contorted in a variety of wicked ways, screaming my name, made my dick harden again.

“Do you want me to get us something to eat?”

Her nails grazed down my back and I moved out of her reach. Her touch, like her voice, was more annoying than I remembered it being a few hours earlier.

That’s because I just dumped a load.

I twisted around. Her blonde hair was spread across my pillows, black makeup smeared across her face. A part of me wanted to tell her she looked like hell, but a bigger part of me didn’t care enough to point it out. I just needed her gone.

She rolled onto her back, cheap perfume wafting through the air.

I’m going to have to do laundry. Hell, I’ll probably just have to burn these sheets to get rid of that smell.

“I was thinking I would grab us some hamburgers. I could pick up some things for breakfast while I’m out.”

I cringed at the implications saturating her voice. “You’re going to need to tone that shit down.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Look, I have things to do tonight.” Her face was familiar but her name—not so much.

“Oh, that’s fine. I can just wait here while you do what you need to do.” She flashed me her biggest smile and settled back into the sheets, looking way too comfortable in my bed.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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