Swing (Landry Family 2) - Page 15

The wind knocks right out of me, the same way it does when my brother, Ford, is being an ass and tackles me when we’re playing touch football at family barbecues. Only this time, there’s no hand to pull me up. Just a little boy looking at me, wanting me to say something. To be the adult.

“Rockster, I . . .” I crouch to his level, certain he can spy the lump in my throat. He reminds me of Huxley, my brother Barrett’s soon-to-be stepson, with the way he looks at me like I can fix the universe. If only I could. “Doctors don’t know everything.”

He puts his hand on my shoulder. “I had fun painting with you today.”

“And I had fun painting with you too.” The words leave my mouth automatically, but as they ring through the room, I realize how true they are.

“Hey, guys.” Danielle’s voice fills the small room off the main corridor, and Rocky looks at her over my shoulder.

“Hi, Danielle,” he says.

I turn sidew

ays, still crouched, and look up at her. Even from this vantage point, she’s something to look at. An understated beauty, fine features, with a magnetism I can’t quite put my finger on, she has my full attention. As I stand, a full-blown smile drifts across her face.

“Looks like the two of you had a good afternoon,” Danielle says, one heel crossed in front of the other. “What did you think, Lincoln?”

Grabbing Rocky’s boney shoulders in front of me with one hand, I muss up his hair with the other. “I think this kid is the next Van Gogh.”

Her laugh dances into my ears. “Good to know. You ready to go get some lunch, Rocky?”

“Yes! It’s pizza!” He tosses me a wave and races through the door, nearly knocking a laughing Danielle over.

“He’s a cool kid,” I say when she finally looks at me. Her cheeks match the color of her shirt as she smooths her skirt like my sister, Sienna, does when she’s nervous before a fashion show.

“He is.”

“I think he thinks I’m pretty cool.” I try not to laugh while she decides if I’m serious or not.

“That’s subjective,” she says finally, backing out of the doorway. “I need you to sign a release, if you don’t mind. Even though you’re here for the day only, I should’ve had you do it before you started.”

I let the “day only” thing slide and follow her down the hallway. As we approach the elevator, it dings and a man in hospital scrubs exits.

“Danielle,” he says happily, too happily, extending a hand.

An easy grin touches her lips as she places her palm in his. “How are you, Dr. Manning?” she asks, clearly comfortable with this guy I’m absolutely sure I don’t like. I might even hate him.

“Great. Just dropping by your boss’s office. Gretchen is down this hallway, right?”

“Yes,” Dani confirms. “I’m not sure that she’s in though. Our department is in the middle of budget hearings.”

“I was thinking of grabbing a coffee in a little while. Can I get you something?” he asks, taking a step towards her. So do I.

“No, thank you,” she responds politely. “The place across the street has great espresso if you need something quick and hard.”

I gulp. The asshole nods, a sparkle in his eye that makes me want to stake a claim to Danielle. As my brain races to come up with something, he turns to me, his brow cocked. “You look familiar,” he says.

“It’s the face,” I say, starting after Dani down the hall.

“Are you Lincoln Landry, by any chance?”

Danielle pauses mid-step, her head turning to me. Her teeth tug at her bottom lip. I search her eyes, a swirling blue that could sink me if I let it. And I would really fucking like to let it, but I’m sure it’s going to be as hard as hitting a fastball from our starting pitcher.

“Me?” I laugh. “Hell, no. I hear he’s way bigger and better looking than me.”

I feel Danielle release a breath right before her heels start down the hall again. With a little salute to the doctor, I follow her.

“You lied to him,” she says under her breath as she enters her office ahead of me.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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