Swing (Landry Family 2) - Page 32

I end the call, but hold the phone in my hand. For some reason, I don’t want to put it down. Realizing how stupid I look standing in the living room, staring at it, I go to sit it down when it buzzes.

My heart leaps when I look at the screen.

Lincoln: Just checking to see if you made it home okay. Let me know when you can.

Hurriedly, I swipe my fingers across the screen.

Me: I made it a while ago. Already cleaned up and getting ready to make some tea.

I watch for his response, but it doesn’t come right away. Just as my nerves start to get the best of me, the light goes off.

Lincoln: Thank you for coming tonight.

Me: Is that an innuendo?

Lincoln: Could be. ;)

Me: Well, thank you for having me come. ;)

Lincoln: It was my pleasure. Wait, are we sexting now?

Me: I think sexting includes dick pics.

Lincoln: I’d rather you see it in person. Feel free to send me naked pics of you though. ;)

Me: Yeahhhh. There are no naked pics of me floating in the digital world and I think I’ll keep it that way.

Lincoln: Classy. I like it.

Me: I have to make up for letting you finger me on a picnic table today.

Lincoln: I hope you’re kidding. That was the best thing I’ve done in a long fucking time. You’re something else, Dani.

Me: It’s Danielle. Grr . . .

Lincoln: I like when you growl. And when you moan. And when you get all b

ossy when you’re hot and bothered.

Me: I think I need to go to bed now. LOL

Lincoln: Dream of me?

Me: There’s a good chance of that since I still smell like you.

Lincoln: That’s so damn hot. I’m hard again.

Me: Sweet dreams, Landry.

Lincoln: Night, Ryan.

Me: Ugh. Night.

Lincoln: LOL


I TYPE THE FINAL WORDS of the email with a flourish and hit “send.” It’s taken all morning to focus, but I’ve finally started to get into the flow. That is, until I remember the feel of his hands or the draw of his gaze.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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