Swing (Landry Family 2) - Page 41

I wait a few thrusts, making sure the rush of the climax is coming. Once the sparks start shooting through my veins, I yell, “I’m coming!”

He grunts behind me, going harder than ever before. Hearing him come apart only adds to the intensity of my own fall. My arms can’t hold up, turning to jelly, and I make it just until his last hiss of breath before I collapse onto my belly.

In an instant, he’s curled up behind me, dragging me into him.

I’m going to have to get up and clean myself in a second. But for now, I’ll stay right here, tucked safely in the arms of this delicious man.


I SNUGGLE IN CLOSER, ONE arm draped across his chest and dangling off the side. There should be no cuddling right now. I should be in my damn car and driving home. Alas, here I am. Tucked into his side. Feeling him draw what I believe are baseballs on my back with the tip of his finger.

“I’m hungry now,” he says.

“Well, I’m not cooking.”

“Damn right you’re not.”

“And why is that?”

“Because I had to fight like hell to get you into my bed. You aren’t wasting time by spending it in my kitchen.”

I just snuggle into him more.

“I like when you do that,” he admits. “It makes me feel . . . happy, I think.”

“You think it makes you happy? That’s a weird thing to say.”

“Maybe.” He kisses the top of my head. “Things feel different these days.”


His chest rises as he fills it with air. “I’m not sure,” he says finally. “Before this injury, I didn’t have time to think about much. I just went from game to practice to game to a party. I didn’t just lie in bed and contemplate the world, you know?”

“So you’re lying here considering world peace?” I tease. “Good to know.”

“The only piece I’m thinking about right now is this one,” he says, turning onto his side and looking at me in the eye. “I’ve just had some time to myself without anything to do. It’s made me think about things.”

“Sounds dangerous.”

“It does, doesn’t it?” He gives me a grin I haven’t seen before. It’s sweet and soft and I want to lift up and press a kiss to his parted lips. So I do.

Nestling back against him, I’m falling hard and fast just like I knew I would. He’s too easy to be around—too kind, too sexy, too sweet. I can try to play like I don’t realize it, but it would be a big, fat lie. I don’t know that it’s love or just unbridled lust, but whatever it is, it has me wrapped up tight.

“You know you’re all I’ve been thinking about right?” he whispers.

My heart stills. I let my fingers drift up his bicep and back down again, watching the goosebumps pop up in their wake. “Sounds about right,” I joke.

“Who’s cocky now?” he laughs.

“Cocky? I call it logical. You think about me. It happens. But prepare yourself: you’ll just think about me more now that you’ve had me in the sack.”

“That’s the truth.”

I feel him quiet against me, his palm lying flat against the top of my ass. It’s a long couple of minutes before he outlines what I think are baseball bats.

“Where does this put us?” he asks. Hope drips through the question and lands right on my heart.

I pull away and look up in his eyes. My own hope is reeling all too high and I have to be smart. “Let’s just take it one day at a time.”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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