Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 40

This time it’s her that silences him with a look.

“Fine. Behave yourself,” he mutters. “And if you don’t hear from Cam, call me.”

“She’s fine. No, she’s more than fine,” Sienna laughs, ignoring the look from her brother. “Thanks again for coming to get me, Ellie. I really appreciate it.”

“It was nice meeting you,” I reply.

“Same here.”

With a final bright smile, she’s up the stairs of the little house. I pull away before Ford can try to catch a glimpse of the person inside. This frustrates him, but he doesn’t mention it.

“Did you hear that?” he groans, stretching his legs out in the small space in front of him.

“No. What are you talking about?”

“My stomach just rumbled.”

“Poor thing.” I swerve through traffic and hit my next turn-off.

“Definitely poor thing. You should feed me.”

Scoffing, I glance over my shoulder. “That’s no way to ask a girl on a date.”

“I wasn’t asking you on a date.”

“You weren’t?”

“Nope,” he says, the last consonant exaggerated. “You’d say no.”

“Probably,” I grin.

“So I was not asking you on a date,” he goes over again, “but I was suggesting we share a non-date meal with each other.”

“So you were breaking the date ice with a drive-thru meal?”

“Exactly,” he chuckles. “Let’s get a hamburger.”

Before I can respond, he’s digging in his pocket and pulling out his phone. “Fucking Graham.”


He sticks out his bottom lip. “He’s on his way to get me.”

My giggle drifts through the car, a lightness in my soul that I want to grab on to and hold forever. “You sound like a child.”

“That’s what Graham said.”

“We both couldn’t be wrong.”

I turn left, heading back to Halcyon and away from the fast-food chains dotting the right side of the road.

“I guess we’re going to have to go on that date after all,” he says easily, like it’s the default answer.

“Or not.”

“Come on, Ellie,” he says in a faux-whine. “I’ve already had my fingers—”


Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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