Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 45

“I don’t know either,” she contends. “I want to get Halcyon off the ground. Maybe go for my Master’s degree at some point after I pay off this round of student loans.”

I start to say something, but close my mouth.

“I feel like I’m coming into my life right now, you know?” she asks. “Things are starting to work out for me. I’m back home. I can help Dad out. I can give back to this community that I love so much.”

“I understand. I feel that way too. I feel like this is the precipice to the next part of my life. I’ve done the nomadic, roam-the-world part. Now I’m ready to settle down, have some kids, do that whole thing.”

“I’m not ready for that.”

It’s more the tone than the words that catches my attention. She looks me in the eye, her resolve undeniable.

Although it’s not what I want to hear, not by a long shot, I try to remain as passive about her declaration as possible. “I was driving by where the old drive-in theater used to be. Do you remember that?”

“You took me there to see Jaws on the Fourth of July. Remember that?” she laughs. “We took a kiddie pool and filled it up with buckets from the bathroom.”

“I’d have done anything to see you in that bikini,” I wink. “Man, I was desperate.”

“You were. But it was kinda hot.”

“Just kinda hot? Damn. You’re a tough sell.”

“It’s like real estate,” she says, her voice lowering just a touch. “It’s all about the comps.”

“What are you comparing me to?”

She eyes me with an impish grin. “Maybe I’m comparing you . . . to you.”

My pants all of a sudden feel too tight as her gaze heats my blood and it pools in my cock.

“So I’m hotter now than I was at seventeen? I’ll take that,” I tell her.

“You are definitely hotter now than you were then,” she says, looking me straight in the eye.

I grasp her hand again. Instead of putting it back on my leg, I rest it on my lap.

Her chin lifts ever-so-slightly and I know she feels how much I’m dying for her right now. Without breaking our gaze, she presses her hand against me. The pressure she applies is just enough of a taunt that my teeth grind together as I attempt to keep myself from throwing her backwards and fucking the daylights out of her.

“I say we have two choices right about now,” I say as she begins to press slow, torturous circles against my throbbing length.

“What’s that?”

“We can get off this couch right now and go to dinner.”


“Or we can get off on this couch right now and you can be dinner.”


“Option number two, please.”

I can’t believe I just said that.

Before I can open my mouth to try to take it back, I’m on my back on the floor.

“Ah!” I shriek, my giggle a little wobbly from the sudden movement. “Ford!”

He wedges himself between my legs, planting his hands on either side of my face. He looks down at me with a wicked smile.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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