Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 61

“You think you can do it?”

“No, but I know someone that can,” she singsongs. “And her name rhymes with belly.”

Barrett’s jaw drops. “Ellie? What have I missed?” He looks at Lincoln. “You’ve managed to not tell me this? You tell me all kinds of stupid stuff and you miss this?”

“Well, I’m a little preoccupied these days,” he scoffs. “I have a baby, you know.”

“Let’s focus on the subject at hand,” I plead, looking at Graham. “Give us the plan because we all know you have one.”

“The address the car was found is a bar . . .”

Sienna sighs loudly to get our attention. “You guys, just leave her alone.”

“That’s hard to do,” Lincoln winces. “Considering y’all have decided to be little secret keepers.”

“Yeah. Just tell us what’s going on and we’ll drop it,” Graham offers.

“I can’t,” she pouts. “I’m sworn to twin secrecy.”

My brothers and I all look at each other, slow grins slipping across our faces.

“I hate that look,” Sienna says, her eyes going wide. “She’s fine, you guys. I know you’re worried but it’s fine. I promise.”

Barrett and I stand, Graham turning towards the house and Lincoln nodding. We all head to the back door.

“Where are you guys going?” Sienna calls after us.

We ignore her. Filing into the house, the girls and Dad look at us like we’re crazy.

“What’s going on?” Dad asks.

“We have something to do,” Barrett says. “Don’t worry. Troy will drive us.” He gives Alison a quick kiss and waves to Huxley. “I’ll be back in a bit, okay?”

“That’s fine,” she grins, Ryan nestled up against her.

“That’s a good look on you,” Barrett winks before moving towards the front door.

Lincoln clears his throat. “I better stay with Dani.”

“No,” Dani laughs. “You better go with your brothers.”


“Ford,” she pleads. “Make him go.”

“Let’s go, lover boy,” I say, getting him in a headlock. “Say goodbye, Linc.”

He fights with me until we’re both on the ground. Arms and legs are flying as we maneuver to get the best position.

“Boys, don’t you break anything,” Mom warns. “I thought we were past this and got the good crystal back out!”

“I quit!” Lincoln shouts as I twist his arm behind him. “I quit. Fuck, Ford!” he laughs.

I roll over onto my back, out of breath. We lay next to each other laughing.

“You’re responsible for those two,” Dad tells Graham. “Get them back in one piece.”

G extends a hand to Linc and I and pulls us up.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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