Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 68


“But,” I say, giving her a look, “I will promise you that when the time comes that we meet, I will give him the benefit of the doubt.”

This puts a twinkle in her eye. “You will? Honestly?”

My shoulders slump as I admit defeat. My natural inclination is to go all crazy-brother on her right now, but I know better. I know how she feels. She needs someone on her side, someone that knows what it’s like to want to color outside the lines a little bit. Someone to tell her it’s all right to break protocol.

“As long as he treats you well—”

“He does!”

“And he doesn’t get you involved in anything dangerous or illegal—”

“He wouldn’t do that, Ford.”

“Then I’ll meet him with an open mind. Soon,” I say, giving her a warning look. “I’ll meet him soon.”

“Soon . . . ish,” she responds. Waltzing around my desk, she places a kiss on my cheek. “I knew you were the logical one.”

“That may be true,” I tell her. “But remember one more thing, Cam.”

“What’s that?”

“I’ll also be the first one to kill him.”

She giggles as if she thinks I’m playing and almost skips towards the door. “Thanks for talking to me, Ford.”

“Any time,” I sigh.

“One more thing,” she says, her hand on the knob. “You said you left in part because you didn’t know what else to do. What was the other reason?”

My shoulders fall. “Story for another day, Cam.”

“Fair enough. See ya later, Ford.”

I know for the first time what Graham must feel like. Thank God I’m not him.



Ford: I’ll pick you up at seven. Don’t wear anything nice.

It’s three minutes until seven, he isn’t here, and I’m dying to see him.

My fingers begin to fly across the keyboard, demanding information, when I hear a knock at the door. Just knowing it’s him makes my heart flutter.

It’s so funny how having someone in your life that’s supposed to be there changes everything. Mornings are a little easier because I might get to see him. Laundry isn’t as mundane when you’re mentally putting together outfits so you look on top of your game when you see him—a man that always looks great no matter what. Each minute can be changed by a single thought of him and something he said or a way he looked at you.

I haven’t seen him since yesterday morning. He had a family commitment last night that I was invited to, but didn’t feel comfortable attending. Today was a hellish day for both of us at work. It feels like too long since I saw him and that’s nerve-wracking.

“Hey,” I say before the door is even pulled open.

He doesn’t greet me with words, just a deep, soft kiss that is almost as if he needs the contact or he may suffocate.

Pulling away, I giggle. “Nice to see you too.”

“I been trying to get over here for the last forty minutes,” he groans. “There was an issue with the event Landry Security is doing tomorrow night and the organizer from their end is incorrigible.”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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