Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 91

“Okay. She’s headed home. She just sent me a text.”

I blow a U-turn in the middle of the highway, my tires squealing, and go the other direction.

“What the hell was that?” she shrieks.

“I had to go the other way.”


I crack a turn to the south, my headlights bouncing off the street signs along the road. My heart is going even faster than my truck, neither of which are safe.


MY HOUSE SEEMS SO COLD. And empty. I turn on every light I pass in hopes it will make me feel less alone.

I should’ve told him. I should’ve and I was wrong not to, and I’m sure he’s upset I didn’t.

I’m such a coward.

“Ellie?” Violet’s voice rings down the hall. “Where are you? You have this place lit up like a Christmas tree!”

“In the kitchen.”

I hear her come down the hall. “There you are.” She tries not to smile, but I can see it coming. “What the hell happened?”

“I just needed you to come back,” I say, referring to the text I sent her. “I didn’t tell him. I couldn’t.”

Just thinking about it sends my pulse rate spiraling upwards.

“I need a drink,” I say, leaping to my feet. “Shit! I can’t have one.”

The tears are back again, not as much from the lack of wine in my new life, but more for all the changes I’m going to be encountering. The fear of the unknown, as my dad would say. I hate the unknown.

Violet laughs. “You can’t have wine. Or caffeine. Or some cheeses and fish.”

I must give her the saddest look ever because her laughs just get louder. Before I can tell her to fuck right off, the doorbell rings.



Three times. All in a space of probably two seconds.

My eyes go wide. “He found me quick.”

“Well . . .” She sticks her hands in her pockets.

“You told him! You rat!”

“He called me, Ellie. What did you want me to do? Lie to him?”

“That’s precisely what I wanted you to do! Give me some time. Cover for me.”

“Sorry. Not really, but you know what I mean,” she laughs. “Should I answer the door?”

I don’t know what to say, so I just let out a low-key wail.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” She disappears down the hallway she just came through. My legs shake as I sit down, my hands wringing together.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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