Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 104

“Yes,” Danielle, Sienna, and I all say in unison.

Alison laughs. “Barrett wants one now. You all have given him baby fever.”

“I’m not sorry,” Dani shrugs.

“Me either. Besides, it would be nice going through it with someone else,” I say. “I have no idea what to expect besides throwing up and gaining weight.”

“Well, if Ford is anything like Lincoln, that won’t bother him a bit, if you get what I’m saying.”

“Ew,” Sienna says, wrinkling her nose. “Let’s move this conversation along.”

We all laugh at her expense as Mallory joins us. “What are we laughing at?” she asks.

“Sienna,” Alison says. “She doesn’t like thinking about her brothers getting it on.”

“I hate to tell you ladies, but I’m certain I snagged the best Landry,” Mallory gushes, fanning her face. “And now that I have him doing yoga . . .”

They begin teasing Sienna again when I excuse myself. I wind through the racks of garments and accessories and find the pink sofa in the back.

My feet hurt. My back hurts. My stomach hates me.

I find a package of crackers on the table and nibble one as I try to rest a quick second. My eyes closed, I listen to the Landry women having fun in the front of the store.

Their camaraderie is so easy, their love for one another so apparent. They’ve done what many families cannot—they’ve accepted one another, seen the best in each other, and worked together to form a bond that’s indelible.

And they’ve accepted me.

They’re my rainbow after the storm.

I take out the coin Huxley gave me and hold it in my fingers. Twirling it around, I feel a warmth take over me.

“I’m going to be okay,” I whisper, feeling what I can only describe as my father’s presence. “You knew that though.”

I put a hand on my stomach and yawn. “By the way, your zucchini plants have grown so much they died under their own weight. I’m pretty sure your garden is a goner.”

My eyes are so heavy that I close them for just a few seconds to rest them. I must doze off because I awaken to Alison calling my name. Her head pokes around the corner. “I’m sorry! Were you sleeping?”

“I guess,” I laugh, standing up and stretching. “I didn’t mean to be.”

“I remember those days.” She walks into the room and takes me in. “Your phone has been going off like crazy out here, then Ford called Mallory to check on you. You should probably call him back. They can be unrelenting.”

“Oh, don’t I know it,” I laugh.

“Did you get all your things moved in? Barrett said you were working on that last week.”

“I did. Well, Ford did. He had a moving company come and pack my stuff and deliver it to his house,” I shrug. “What do you say to that?”

“Nothing,” she laughs. “You say nothing. Otherwise, it makes it a fight until they win because when it comes to things like protecting you, he will win.”

“Now I just need to rent my house or something. I have no idea what to do with it. I just got it.”

“Hey!” she says. “I have a friend looking for a house! Her name is Lola and she’s moving in with this guy friend of hers that’s never going to work out, but whatever. I used to work with her. You’d love her. I could give her your number if you’re interested?”

“Really? That would be great.”

“Perfect! Now, I’m taking off but I’ll be back down for your grand opening. I’ll make all of my friends come by,” she winks. “In the meantime, Barrett and I wanted to throw a giant celebration tomorrow night at the Farm. We hoped you’d come.”

“What are we celebrating?”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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