Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 107

“Language,” Vivian warns. “There are little ears around here.”

“I’ve heard worse, Grandma,” Huxley says. “I did spend the afternoon with Lincoln and Ryan yesterday.”

The noise level reaches an all-time high as everyone laughs and Vivian chastises her youngest son. When Barrett stands, the chatter begins to quiet. One by one, everyone looks at the Governor.

He’s incredibly handsome in a more finessed way than Ford. Barrett has darker hair and smoother skin and a smile that, on cue, can light up a room. I’m sure he had every female vote in the last election based off that smile alone.

“I have something to tell you all,” he says, looking down at Alison. He nearly beams. “Tonight is more than just a dinner party.”

“What do you mean?” Mallory asks.

“Mom and Barrett are getting married!” Huxley shouts, springing up from his chair with a smile as wide as the table.

The room erupts into a mad frenzy as everyone processes Huxley’s declaration. Shouts of delighted shock and confusion echo off the walls. Barrett waves his hands down, encouraging everyone to be quiet.

“He’s right,” he says once everyone settles some. “I’ve persuaded Alison to marry me tonight and we’d love for you to take part.”

“Are you serious right now?” Dani stands, Ryan tucked into the crook of her arm. “You’re getting married tonight?”

“Yes,” Alison almost squeals. She too stands and wraps her arm around Barrett’s elbow. “Vivian and I have been planning it for a week now.” She looks at her soon-to-be mother-in-law. “Thank you, by the way.”

“It’s been my pleasure.”

Huxley jumps up and dashes wildly into the living room. Ford takes my hand, pulling my chair back and tucking me close under his arm as we walk through the house and into the converted space.

“Your brother just decided to get married today? Who does that?” I laugh.

He looks at me curiously. “That’s not so crazy, is it?”

“It’s totally crazy,” I laugh.

“Do you think it’s a bad thing?”

“No,” I gush. “I think it’s seriously sweet. I just expected a big wedding or something. He’s the Governor, after all.”

While we were eating, it’s obvious a team of people were transforming the living room into a mini-wedding chapel. There are flowers, all white, in vases around the room. A little podium has been brought in and a table placed behind it with two tall pink candles. The furniture has been pushed to the side for us to sit and watch Barrett and Alison say “I do.”

I’m in shock at how laidback this is for a family as sophisticated as the Landry’s. It’s a simple elegance, an unassumingly beautiful backdrop to such a significant moment in this family’s history.

As Ford and I sit on the couch beside Camilla, we watch the family get situated in two rows, both facing the center of the room.

Mallory catches my eye and smiles. There’s something in the air tonight that’s truly special and I know she feels it too. She takes Graham’s hand in hers and places them on her lap. He turns and kisses her on the forehead, and I almost swoon.

“Hey,” Ford whispers, nudging me gently with his shoulder. “Was this enough of an event for you?”

“Did you know about this?” I giggle.

“It’s funny what people tell you when Lincoln liquors you up with tequila,” he laughs. “This was one of Barrett’s admissions on the way home from The Gold Room. They were trying to set it up then.” He says the last two words a little more pointedly, glancing over my shoulder at Camilla.

“Don’t go there,” she says through clenched teeth.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he says, then turns to me and winks.

A man comes in from a doorway on the other side of the room and stands beside the podium. Barrett and Alison take their places in front of him with Huxley at his mother’s side.

Hux bounces on the balls of his feet, a small box in each hand. He looks at Barrett with such adoration, it brings tears to my eyes.

In just a few minutes, the pastor asks who is giving Alison away. Huxley steps forward, clearing his throat, and accepts that responsibility. Barrett squats down, has a quiet, private conversation with Hux, a smile on both of their faces. They shake hands before Barrett stands and takes Alison’s.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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