Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 110

“While I love that, it’s a lie. You did do it without me.” His eyes widen, as if to remind me it’s a touchy subject.

I giggle. “I didn’t do it without you! You’ve weighed in heavily on some aspects. I couldn’t have finished painting the ceiling without you. Don’t forget that,” I say, tapping him on the nose.

“I’m so glad I was able to do that. Lord knows you couldn’t have had that done by anyone else.” He takes my hand and leads me towards the front.

“No one would’ve looked as good as you shirtless,” I point out.

The crowd we’ve had all day has dwindled. We officially closed almost an hour ago, but how do you kick people out when you’re so grateful they’re there? You don’t. You smile and chitchat and refill the cookie tray by the front door.

Violet left a few minutes ago, leaving me to enjoy a little time with Ford and his family.

Taking in the few faces still here, I’m overcome with emotion. That’s been happening a lot lately. Everything makes me cry. Violet thinks I’m a lunatic, and Ford worries I’m unhappy, but in reality, it’s the opposite: I’m just incredibly happy.

Ford drops my hand and heads off to see Sienna, one of the reasons why we had such a fantastic day. She and Camilla invited all their friends, all of their mother’s friends—practically all of Savannah. With their charm and connections, they took my dreams and made them a reality.

Sienna reaches up and wipes at Ford’s cheek. I watch his muscled shoulders rise and fall as if he couldn’t care less that my lipstick was imprinted on his face.


I look to my right and see Camilla.

“Cam, I just wanted to thank you again for—”

“Will you stop it?” she laughs. “You’re family, Ellie. We take care of our own.”

I feel the burn in the bridge of my nose that tells me I’m going to be fighting tears any moment.

“You and the little one,” she says, touching my stomach. “I’m pulling for you to be a girl.”

“I’m not sure Ford can afford me if I have a girl,” I laugh. “I’m not even a girly-girl, but if this one turns out to be . . .”

“Girl,” Camilla says, putting a hand on her hip, “if I get a niece, you better watch out! Dani says we spoil Ryan, which might be true, but a girl? All the things, Ellie. All the things.”

Her cheeks redden a bit, her eyes sparkling. A weird look flickers across her face as her smile just grows.

“Cam?” I ask curiously. I can’t help but return her smile.

“You guys are giving me baby fever,” she giggles. “I just want to hold a baby, cuddle it, breathe in that baby scent. I could hold Ryan all day if Lincoln would let me.”

I yelp as someone bumps me from behind. Ford’s arms go around my waist and pull me in to his chest. He rests his chin on the top of my head. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.”

“I—” Cam begins, but is interrupted by the husband of one of their mother’s friends.

“Good to see you, Ford,” he says. “How’s life going?”

“She’s pretty good.”

The man looks confused and then down at me. With a slow nod, he gives Ford a small smile. “That’s good. We are heading out. I just wanted to thank you, Mrs. Landry, for opening another business to take all of my money.”

We all laugh as he and Ford bid their farewells and he exits, followed by the last two shoppers. Violet motions that she’s going for a coffee down the street and slips out behind them.

The sun begins to set outside, the sky lit up with a spectrum of pinks and purples. It’s a beautiful evening, the perfect cap to a perfect day.

I twirl the coin in my pocket that

Huxley gave me as I watch Sienna make her way across the room.

“That went over well,” Sienna says. “What a day, Ellie!”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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