Swear (Landry Family 4) - Page 115

I walk in, brushing the hood off my head and scan the kitchen. The music is playing from her phone on the counter and a pot of something bubbles on the old gas stove. I notice that she’s got a sink full of dishes, which isn’t like her. She’s normally spot-on when it comes to details, taking care of everything she can control. It can be annoying as hell, but I figure it’s some kind of reaction to all the shit she’s not able to control in her life.

I plop the bag down on the table, rattling the basket of apples that sits upon it. When she comes around the corner, her brown eyes go wide as she grabs at the doorframe, obviously not expecting me.

“Damn it, Crew!” Julia says, clutching her chest with one hand. Her shoulders relax and a small sigh escapes her lips. I’m cautiously optimistic that maybe she’s relieved to see me, but it’s short-lived.

She throws her shoulders back and narrows her eyes. I don’t know exactly what effect it was supposed to have on me, but it’s a good thing I don’t really care.

“Lock your fucking door,” I growl, returning her glare. “You’re lucky it’s me and not some asshole from one of the apartments across the street.”

“Lucky it’s you.” Sarcasm is thick in her voice as she shakes her head, her long black locks swinging side-to-side. She walks toward the stove and shuts off the music.

I crack the paper bag with the back of my hand, making her flinch. “I brought you some stuff.”

“Stop bringing me stuff.”

She keeps her back to me, picking up a lid and slamming it on a pot. I know she’s not happy to see me because she never is.

Tough shit.

“Where’s the monkey?” I ask.

“In the living room.”

Her words come out flat, but I’m used to it. I don’t expect anything more from her.

I can’t.

“Everleigh! Come here, baby girl,” she calls.

It’s such a natural thing, a mother calling her kid in for supper. It seems like just a normal part of an ordinary life. But I know the truth.

Appearances can be deceiving, but I enjoy the moment of deception. I’ll take what I can get.

A few seconds later, the sound of little feet come running into the kitchen. “Uncle Crew!”

I kneel on one knee as she runs to me, her black hair flowing behind her.

“Uncle Crew!” she yells again and falls wildly in my arms, nuzzling her face into my cold jacket. I grab the zipper and yank it down, afraid the frozen metal will sting her little face.

My lips find her forehead as she wraps her arms around me. I hold her close, brushing back her hair, breathing in the smell of bubble gum that I’ve come to associate with my little niece. “How are ya, monkey?”

“I’m good,” she giggles, pulling back and looking at me expectantly. “Did you bring me something?”

“Everleigh Nicole!” Julia reprimands her. “Have some manners!”

“But it’s Uncle Crew.” She bats her eyelashes at her mother, who rolls her eyes in response. “You did bring me something, didn’t ya?” She looks at me again, a grin splitting her cheeks.

I could never say no to this kid. She could ask me for the fuckin’ moon and I’d figure out a way to get it.

“Come on. You know I brought ya something.”

Everleigh giggles and bounces up and down, her arms folded across the front of her Tinkerbell shirt. I reach in the bag and fish through the groceries and pull out a coloring book and a box of crayons. I really have no idea what the pictures are about, but it’s the only one they had at the store.

“Yay!” she squeals, holding them up in the air so Julia can see them. “Thank you! I’ll color you something beautiful and you can hang it at your house.”

“You’re welcome.” I hold her gaze and give her a little nod to let her know our routine was still on. She tries to wink at me, but both eyes just flutter a few times. It takes everything I have not to laugh.

As soon as Julia turns her back, I slip her a banana Laffy Taffy and she kisses my cheek. She does her best sneaky walk back into the living room to avoid being caught with candy before supper.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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