Swink (Landry Family 5) - Page 4

“Do you need to?”

She grins, swirling a straw in the tea in front of her. “No. You have that freshly-fucked look on your face. It’s pretty, actually. Reminds me of the new blush I just bought.”

“I’d rather get my blush from Dom.”

“I can’t say I blame you,” she laughs. “How are things going with him?”

“They’re going . . .”

“Ellie was hoping you’d bring him tonight,” Sienna say, choosing her words carefully.

I slump in my chair. “You know I can’t bring him here.”

“If you’re going to keep seeing him, Cam, you’re going to have to bring him around. You can’t keep these parts of your life separate forever.”

“And subject him to them?” I say, jabbing a thumb over my shoulder towards our brothers. “Who would rip into him first?”

“I think Dom can handle himself. Besides,” she says, shoving the glass away, “haven’t you met his family?”

“No. I mean, I’ve met Nate and Ryder, but that’s it.” I look at the marble counter, the gold flecks sparkling. “I don’t know for sure how much family he has, really,” I admit.

Sienna leans across the chair, her arms resting on the countertop. Her eyes, the exact same color blue as mine, narrow.

“It’s not a normal relationship,” I offer before she can start asking questions. “You know this.”

“Because you don’t want it or he doesn’t?”

Hearing the door open behind us and my sister-in-laws’ voices ringing through the air, I feel anxiety kick me in the gut. “It’s not like we met online and courted each other,” I hiss. “He showed up at my house to fix my air conditioning and—”

“Your air is broken?” Mom asks from behind me. “Have you called anyone?”

“Oh, she called someone,” Sienna snorts as I elbow her in the side.

“It’s fine now, Mom,” I say, glaring at my sister. “What did Ellie say?”

Mom points across the room. I follow her gesture and see Ford and Ellie standing in the front of the living room, the same spot they were married in a few weeks ago. Ellie is snuggled under Ford’s arm as they both wear massive grins.

“I believe my wife promised you all a little bit of news today,” Ford teases.

“It’s a girl, isn’t it?” I ask, swiveling around in my seat. “Please, please, tell me it’s a girl.”

“We don’t know,” Ellie says. “That’s not the surprise.”

“It’ll be a girl because Ford isn’t quite the man I am to get a boy,” Lincoln says, getting a jab in the side from Danielle. He pretend-winces, earning a disapproving glance from Dad.

“Want to do a little man vs. man?” Ford offers with a smirk. “I believe the last time I had you tapping out in three seconds.”

“I just had a baby,” Lincoln protests.

“Excuse me?” Danielle laughs. “I believe I had the baby.”

“Enough,” Mom interjects, holding her hands out. “Stay focused, children. Ellie, dear, would you like to please put me out of my misery and give us your news?”

Ellie smiles, still not quite sure what to do with the entire Landry clan at once. “Well, Mrs. Landry—”

“Vivian,” Mom cuts her off. “For the hundredth time, it’s Vivian. Or Mom. Or Grandma,” she adds. “But not Mrs. Landry. That was my mother-in-law, God rest her soul.”

“Vivian,” Ellie starts again, “the news is . . .” She looks around the room, fiddling with the hem of Ford’s shirt. “The news is there are two Landry babies on their way.”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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