Swink (Landry Family 5) - Page 22

“Nate,” I sigh. “Please let me do this for you.”

His eyes fill with an unnamed emotion that makes my heart melt. “Is this you trying to get me out of Dom’s house sooner? Because I already terminated my lease. I’m stuck there for the time being.”

“Shut up,” I laugh. “This is to help you get on your feet.”

“I . . . I just . . . Wow, Camilla. I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes.”

“Dominic would kill me.”

“You said you wouldn’t tell him,” I tease. “Besides, why would he care? It’s not like it’s a gift. You’re paying me back in two months. It’s not a big deal.”

“You’ve rendered me speechless.”

“Good. I like you Hughes boys better when you don’t talk,” I wink. “Text me your bank account number when you get off, before you get her off,” I say, rolling my eyes and jabbing a thumb towards Red at the bar, “and I’ll do it tomorrow. Just pay me back when you get the loan. Easy peasy.”

“Are you sure?” he asks, still looking unconvinced. “That’s a lot of money.”

“I wouldn’t loan it to just anyone. I’m not dumb.”

There is no response.

“Look,” I continue, “I may dislike business but I’ve heard enough conversations to know risk versus reward. This is a no-brainer in that sense. Plus, it appeals to the ‘do-gooder’ in me, as your brother calls it. Just say yes so I can get out of here before Dom sees me or Red glares me to death.”

The features on his face smooth, his eyes beginning to twinkle. “I can’t believe you offered me this. I owe you one.”

“No. You owe me ten thousand,” I laugh, swinging my purse at my side. “Now I’m going to get some food and meet up with Dom.”

I get to the door before I hear Nate’s voice again. “Priss?”

“Yeah?” I say, looking over my shoulder.

“Thank you.”

My cheeks hurt from smiling, my chest filled with the sensation of doing something good. Of, like my mother says, making a difference in someone’s life. “You are very welcome.”


DOM’S CAR, A BLACK-ON-BLACK CAMARO, is sitting in the parking lot when I pull up to his apartment. The paint, although matte in finish, shines in the early evening sunlight.

I’ve never been a big fan of cars, but this one is almost as sexy as Dominic. It sits low to the ground and sounds ferocious when he presses the gas and lets it roar down the road. Sometimes we take long, pointless drives out of the city, and I settle back in the leather seats and enjoy being wrapped up in so much power with him at the wheel.

It’s also why I love being in his arms.

No one has ever made me feel so safe and so reckless at the same time. From our first date, not once have I considered he’d ever make a decision that wasn’t for my benefit. As much as I hate being chastised for showing up at the bar or the gym, I know it’s because of some fear that something will happen to me. Even though I feel like a child sometimes when he calls me before I can text him that I made it home, I know it’s because he’s concerned.

This is the same man that will have me in the passenger seat as we hit a hundred and ten miles per hour on the interstate or that has me naked on the hood of his car on a bluff that overlooks the sea.

He’s wild and uncivilized, but disciplined and thoughtful too. Being with him is like the real world doesn’t exist. It’s like there aren’t societal rules with stupid expectations. With Dom, I can do what I want. I can be whatever I want. It’s a crazy, exciting life.

As I climb out of my Audi, my laughter dances through the breeze. Never in a million years did I think I’d be walking up a broken sidewalk to an apartment on this side of town to see a man. Not only am I walking up it tonight, my feet can’t get me there quick enough.

After letting myself in the building and taking the stairs to the third floor, I try not to breathe in the smoke at the top of the stairwell. Making my way down the hall, grumbling that there’s no elevator, I balance the takeout bag and my purse in one hand and knock with the other.

It flies open before I even pull my hand away.

He’s standing in the doorway, one hand on the sweatpants that hang just below his chiseled hips and the other leans on the frame. The tattoos that mark his flesh are vivid against his bare skin, making the blues of his eyes shine.

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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