Swink (Landry Family 5) - Page 37

“What about the Nolan part?”

“Yeahhhh . . . That might be a little tricky. But it’s not like he had anything to do with Nolan trying to sabotage Barrett. He doesn’t even know his uncle, right? Not really?”

“No, not really. But Nolan really fucked Barrett over. I’ll never forget that night when Lincoln found the evidence on the computer of Nolan trying to undermine Barrett’s campaign.”

Sienna clicks her tongue in agreement. “I still think you’re fine. They rallied around Alison and she was, like, investigated before she moved here. Remember that? Wasn’t it for assault or something?”

I sink against the table, Dom’s painful past weighing heavily on my heart. “What if Dom has done something? But there was a reason for it?”

“Cam . . .”

A thunderous bang hits my front door, making me jump. It’s followed by the doorbell ringing once, twice, three times. “Sienna, let me call you back.”

“I want to finish this conversation.”

“It’s fine.”

“Are you fine?”

“Yes,” I laugh, peeking through the peephole. “Dom’s here. Let me call you back.”

“Fine, fine. Have fun with the man.”

I end the call and pull open the door. “Hey, babe.” My smile falters as I see the look on his face. “Dom, what’s wrong?”

His jaw is set, his eyes cold, as he storms in past me. He’s on the verge of exploding, barely containing the energy that’s threatening to boil over. I can see it. Feel it. Take a step backwards because of it.

“Dom?” I ask again, shutting the door. My stomach flips as I wait for some kind of inkling as to what’s happening. “What’s going on?”

With his eyes trained on a spot across the room, he speaks. “If you have something you want to tell me, now would be the time.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Now, Cam.”

“I have nothing to tell you,” I say, bewildered. “Why . . . what . . . I’m so confused.”

At the pace of a snail, he pivots on his heel. His glare is a mixture of anger and resentment as it settles on me. “Did you loan money to Nate?”

The look in his eye has a new meaning and I feel my hands tremble. “Yes,” I say, clearing my throat. “I did.”

“Goddamn it,” he growls, running a hand through his hair. “Why in the hell did you do that?”

“He’s going to pay me back.”

“Don’t you get it?” he says, laughing through his teeth. “It isn’t about whether he pays you back or not, because he will. I know that. You know that. He knows that.”

There are too many words on the tip of my tongue to get one out. I just look up at him as he towers over me, his shoulders set back so he’s at full height, and try to wrap my brain around this.

“Then what’s the problem?” I ask, choosing my words with care. “He needed it. I have it. So what?”

“So what?” he asks, raising a brow. “It’s never occurred to you how abnormal it looks to just wire someone ten thousand dollars?

“No. I just helped your brother out. I—”

“Listen to me,” he says, taking a step my way, “you didn’t just help my brother out. You fucked yourself over.”

“What?” I stammer. “I . . . This is crazy. You’re crazy.”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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