Swink (Landry Family 5) - Page 52

“HEY.” I GIVE A QUICK nod to Nate as I enter the kitchen. Throwing my keys on the counter, I peel off my shirt. “Where’s Ryder?”


Wadding the shirt up, I toss it next to my keys. It lands half-draped over a bunch of bananas. “Has he been asleep long?”

“No. Just laid him down.”

“Good. I’ll grab a shower then.”

It would be easier for the both of us if I would just do what I said. Just turn around and go to the shower and when I came back, he would be gone.

Tension was high last night, and while we managed a few words, it’s Nate that I’m most pissed off at. He knows it. He’s been smart and avoided me for the most part. Until now.

Now he stands next to the refrigerator, his Gold Room shirt on, hat pulled down low on his forehead, keys in hand. He’s ready to walk out the door I just walked in. But he doesn’t move.

“How’d it go with the Landry’s?” he asks.

“A lot more complicated, thanks to you.”

“I’m sorry. Again, Dom, I’m sorry.”

“Again, Nate, fuck off.”

He hangs his head, taking off his hat and letting his hand fall to his side. Maybe I’m tired of expending the energy to be mad or maybe I’m just exhausted from the last twenty-four hours. Either way, I blow out a breath that catches his attention.

“Just pay her back. Every fucking penny plus interest.”

“I will,” he promises. “You know I will.”

“Yeah, I know you will.”

He extends his hand, and when I take it, pulls me into a one-arm hug. “I am sorry. If I fuck up your relationship with Cam, I’ll never forgive myself.”

“Nah, I think I’m capable of doing that on my own.”

“So, how’d it go? For real.”

I inhale slowly, the air crackling as it seeps into my lungs. Thinking back on the day, I don’t even know where to start. “I mean, her brothers were okay. Ford’s a decent guy. He’s gonna send us some numbers for contractors he does business with for the renovations, actually.”

“Really? Do they know about the money?”

“Yeah. It’s weird. I know,” I say, scratching my head.


p; “Ford. He’s the bigger one? Military-looking motherfucker?”


“He’s the one that threatened me,” Nate grins. “He’s the only one I probably could hang out with.”

“We’re so fucked up,” I laugh. “I thought the same thing.”

We exchange a look that goes beyond a smile. It reassures me, somehow, that I have someone on my side just because.

“Now Lincoln,” I continue, “kind of an asshole.”

“He played for the Arrows, right?”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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