Swink (Landry Family 5) - Page 65

My legs clench together at the sight of him, the throb strumming into a pace that I almost can’t manage.

“I’m going to give you a tip,” I say.

“I thought I was giving you the tip?”

My giggle makes him grin. “You better be planning on giving me more than the tip, Hughes.”

“Oh, baby. You’re going to get it all.”

“Good. Now that’s settled, back to the other tip.” I study his handsome face. “If we ever get in a fight, which I’m sure we will, all you have to do to fix it is get naked. I can think of nothing else when you are standing there like that.”


He crawls back on the bed, the mattress dipping with his weight. His thumbs hook into the waistband of my pants and he yanks them down my legs and casts them to the side. His gaze falls on my panty-less state as his tongue darts to his lips, leaving a glistening trail along the ridge of his mouth.

I sit up and have my shirt and bra discarded in a matter of seconds. My chest heaving, my body begging, I fall back to the pillows, letting my legs fall to the sides, and wait for him.

“If you ever want to distract me, lie in my bed like that,” he groans, his cock in his hand as he takes in the sight of me. “There’s nothing more beautiful than you, naked, in my fucking bed.”

I only close my eyes for a half a second when they fly back open to the most glorious feeling in the world. Looking down, his face positioned between my legs, he grins before sliding his tongue straight up the center of my pussy.

“Oh, shit,” I moan, feeling him part me with his mouth. “God, Dom.”

His teeth bite lightly on my clit, making me shudder. I grasp wildly until my hands are buried in his hair, tugging as bolts of sensations rip through me.

“You like that?” he asks, his lips moving against the sensitive flesh. He licks through my middle again.

“Yes,” I moan, throwing my head back into the pillow.

He fills me with one, then two, fingers and moves them in, out, front to back. His tongue explores my sex, not missing a spot, marking my body as his with a flick of his mouth. Finally, just as my muscles begin to quiver, he removes his fingers in one deft movement.

He’s grinning when my eyes open to see him watching me. “You were almost there, huh?”

“I hate you,” I grimace, letting my bottom lip pout out.

He kisses his way from my inner thigh, up my stomach, over each breast—spending a few seconds on each beaded nipple—up my throat, over my jaw. His tongue dips into my mouth, lapping against my own.

Positioning himself between my legs, I feel him hard against my opening. My ankles lock at the small of his back and I push not-so-gently.

He grins against my mouth. “You want my cock?”

“You want my pussy?”

“Oh, dirty girl,” he teases, rocking his hips against me. I moan at the contact, which only widens his smile. “You know I want you. I always want you.”

“And I always want you. You just wanted me to say it.”


I reach up to meet his mouth, capturing it with mine. His cock pushes into me, filling me with one long thrust.

“Ah,” I moan into his mouth before losing all train of thought that doesn’t have to do with me, Dom, and this bed.


IT’S NOT QUITE MIDNIGHT BUT it feels both much later and much earlier. I sit in the middle of Dom’s bed, dressed only in one of his t-shirts, and watch the small television that hangs on the opposing wall. The screen is a little off color-wise and it drives me crazy, but I don’t dare say anything. And I dare even less to buy him a new one. I’ll just wait for his birthday.

He comes in the room, wearing nothing but a pair of briefs. In each hand is a plate and on each plate is a sandwich. “Dinner is served.”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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