Swink (Landry Family 5) - Page 72

“Thanks,” I blush.

“You should, Cam. I think you’d be great at it.”


“Yes, really,” he laughs, kissing the top of my head.

“Well, I’ve strangely enjoyed it. And, this might sound dumb, but I’ve been thinking about how to use design and combine it with volunteer work and scholarships and stuff to see if I can come up with a way to make a difference somehow.”

“That,” he says, kissing me sweetly, “is an awesome idea. I love it.”

My grin causes my cheeks to ache.

“I want to talk about this more. But right now, I need to go. Bond’s probably already waiting.”

I bite my tongue and don’t say the words that come so naturally—the question about why he’s doing it or why he can’t just stop. While I don’t understand the answers, I know what they are. And I know this is important to him. So instead of going there, I smile. “Have fun. Be safe.”

“Oh,” he teases, backing away slowly. “I like this new Camilla. Where’d she come from?”

“Don’t push it.”

“You sure you don’t want to talk me out of it? Remind me how bad it’s going to hurt later?”

“Nope,” I say. “I’m going to go to the pharmacy and buy adult bubble bath and ice packs and ace bandages. If I have to worry about you getting hurt, you have to deal with me fawning all over you when you get home.”

He doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t have to. His smile as wide as his shoulders says it all. With a little wave and a shout of goodbye to Ryder, he’s in his car and pulling out of the parking lot in a minute.

The Camaro rips around the corner and is out of sight. I stand watching where he was parked, reveling in the easiness of things right now. Over the past few days, since the fight with Graham and Dom’s revelation about his teenage years, things have been a little different. Less complicated. A touch closer. More intimate.

We aren’t there, yet, not to the place where I feel like we’ve crossed the hurdles and are on solid ground. There’s still so much to work through. But progress is progress.

I turn to watch Ryder struggle to get in the swing. “Let me help you, buddy,” I say, crossing the curb and padding through the grass. I get him situated and then pull the swing back and let him go free.

“Higher, Camilla!”

His laugh pierces the air, a stark contrast to the rather dismal surroundings. He’s making the best of what he has.

“You’re an inspiration, Ryder. You know that?”

“What’s a spiration?”

“An in-spiration,” I say, slowing the word down, “means that you inspire me.”

“I don’t understand what that means.”

“That’s okay. It’s a good thing.”

He pumps his legs back and forth, the tail of his superhero cape floating behind him. “You know what else is a good thing, Camilla?”

“What’s that?”

“Little brothers!”

“What do you know about little brothers?”

“Well, Chrissy’s sister has two little boys and they get to play together all the time. I told Daddy I need a little brother. Chrissy said I should tell him so I did.”

“I bet she did,” I say, laughing. “But a little brother would need a mommy, Ry, and I don’t think your daddy has picked one yet.”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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