Swink (Landry Family 5) - Page 77

“It sounds horrible.”

“So what are you doing today?” I ask, shutting the door.

She wrinkles her nose. “I have the charity event at Picante. Remember?”

“That’s right,” I say, although I didn’t remember it was tonight specifically. “Are you excited?”

“I’d be more excited if you would come with me.”

“I do make things fun.” Hearing her laugh behind me, I head into the kitchen. “How was Ryder last night?”

“Fun,” she says like it amazes her. “We colored pictures of lizards and it’s safe to say I still have my coloring skills.”

“Never know when you’ll need those,” I wink.

Her cheeks blush as she looks down. “I’ve been thinking about getting with Mom and seeing about putting something together for small business owners. Something that would help them spruce up their storefronts or something. I think it would be fun and could really help people out.”


She nods, still not looking at me. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

I lift her chin with my fingertip. “I think whatever you want to do is a good idea. And, yes, I think you need to do something that makes you happy. Besides me.”

“You make me happy.”

“I hope so.”

Our lips touch, sweetly at first, but as her hands scoot under the hem of my shirt and roam the ridges of my back, her lips part. I deepen the kiss, craving the taste of her.

Lifting her, I sit her on the counter. Her legs wrap around my waist. “If you won’t go with me tonight, will you at least stay with me after?”

“I want to say no just to get you going,” I say, kissing up the side of her neck, “but I can’t even pretend I don’t want you.”

“Is that a yes?” she moans.

“Uncle Dom,” Ryder says, coming from nowhere. “Are you kissing Cam?”

My head drops to Cam’s shoulder as I move my hips so he doesn’t see the outline of my cock in my shorts.

Cam giggles. “Ryder, if you were a superhero, you would totally be the invisible one.”

“We’re gonna put a bell on ya, kid,” I mutter.

Camilla swats at my shoulder as she jumps off the counter. “I need to go anyway. I have to run by the Farm and pick up my dress for tonight. They delivered it there rather than to my house for whatever reason.” She looks at me and cocks a brow. “Was that a yes?”

“You know it was.”

Blowing me a kiss, she heads to the door. “I’ll see you boys later. Behave.”

The door closes and Ryder looks at me. “She’s the best.”

“Yeah,” I smile. “She is, isn’t she?”



“Oh!” I say, my hand falling on my chest. “I didn’t see you, Rose. You scared me.”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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