Swink (Landry Family 5) - Page 85

“My sister could use a lesson or two from you about class,” Barron says, pulling out a chair. When I don’t sit, he cocks his head to the side. “You said you were tired.”

I didn’

t plan on sitting, but it suddenly feels like an excellent idea. My feet almost sing as I sit and give them some relief. Barron sits across from me, looking all dapper in his black suit and yellow tie.

“Look,” he laughs, “we match.”

“You have good taste.”

“You are lovely tonight, Camilla. But, then again, you always are.”

“Thank you,” I blush. “You look handsome, per usual.”

“So,” he says, getting settled in his chair, “what are you doing next weekend?”

“Random,” I laugh. “I have no idea. Why?”

He considers my question, his long, thick lashes on display as he narrows his eyes. “I have a proposition.”

“Okay. Shoot.”

“I have to go to Paris for a few days. It’s a long flight and I’ll have some time off to explore the city, and you know, I was thinking it would be fun to do that with you.”

My mouth hangs open as I try to process this out-of-left-field offer. “Um, Barron, I’m honored you’d like to take me to Paris with you. But the answer is no.”

“No? Come on, Camilla. Who doesn’t like Paris?”

“I love Paris,” I laugh. “That’s not the issue.”

His charm seeps away as his lips form a thin line. “What’s the issue?”

“I’m in a relationship.”

His eyes roll in his head. “Oh, yes. I’ve heard about your plumber boyfriend. I just didn’t expect you’d sink that low.”

“He’s not a plumber,” I fire back, my chest rising and falling much more sharply than before.

“Does it matter what we call him?” he laughs. “What are you doing with him anyway, Camilla? You’re the talk of the country club and are making a complete ass out of yourself.”

My chair shoots back as I get to my feet. Leaning forward, my hands planting on the table, I get just inches from his face. “You are the one making a total ass out of yourself. Dominic may not belong to the country club, but he would never talk to me like this.”

“So he’s a civilized barbarian?”

“No, that’s me. He would knock your teeth out right now if he were here. I’m the one that will smile politely and ensure everyone at your beloved country club knows that you’ve been screwing the manager since we were fifteen.”

“Why would you do that?” he growls, getting to his feet.

“Because I think you love her. Because I think you’ll get kicked out of your precious little club and I think that would be amusing. Does it matter? The fact is, if you want to mess with someone I care about, all’s fair.”

“Is there a problem here?”

I whirl around to see my father standing behind me.

“Everything is fine, Daddy.”

“Mr. Landry,” Barron gushes, ignoring me, “how are you? It’s so nice to see you this evening.” He extends a hand which my father takes. “How’s business?”

“My business is fine, thank you for asking.” He gives Barron a nasty look and ushers me away. “What did that little son of a bitch say to you?”

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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