Swink (Landry Family 5) - Page 112

I walk with Sienna to her car. It’s loaded down with all the stuff she didn’t want to send with the moving truck. Troy and Nate helped get the final few things loaded while Sienna, Joy, and I made a last trip through her house earlier this morning.

Dom watches me from the porch of The Farm. He’s talking to Barrett and Huxley about fishing, something I didn’t know he knew about. He gives me a sweet smile as I say goodbye to my sister.

Things have been good between us the last few weeks. We’re taking it slow, one day at a time, but it feels like we’ve already been together forever . . . it’s just different now.

There’s no second guessing, no worries about outside influences. The only thing I have to worry about is my mom getting all flustered when Dom’s around. She thinks he’s the cutest thing she didn’t birth since my father.

Joy finishes her goodbye with Sienna and she and Nate take off, leaving our family to have a few moments alone. Mom and Dad go over the last-minute instructions about not talking to strangers, no picking up hitch hikers, and keeping your doors locked.

“It’s not like she hasn’t done this before,” Ford tells Mom. “Let her get out of here.”

Mom dabs at her face with a handkerchief. “I hate to see you leave, sweetheart, but I know you have to do what you have to do.”

“I’ll come back. You know that,” Sienna promises.

“Here’s a few bucks,” Dad says, handing her a wad of cash.

“I have a credit card.”

“And she knows how to use it,” Graham sighs. He pulls her in for a hug. “I’m heading into the house. Good luck to you. Call if you need anything.”

“I will, G,” she says, kissing his cheek. “Congrats on the engagement. You should elope to Vegas. I’ll be your attendant.”

“No Vegas weddings in this family,” Mom interjects. “Goodness. Are you trying to kill me?”

Graham laughs, joining Barrett and Dom on the porch. Ford says his goodbye, followed by Lincoln. Before I know it, it’s just me and Sienna.

“Once I get settled, we’ll make plans to meet up. I heard the boys in Illinois are super cute. You can be my wing girl.”

“Dom’s totally not going to go for that,” I laugh. “But I’m all about coming to see you.”

She looks at Dom and gives him a little wave. “He’s good for you. I’m proud of you for fighting for what you want.”

We hug again. I feel Dom’s palm rest on the small of my back as I give my sister a kiss on the cheek.

“I’ll miss you,” I tell her. “Be careful. Call me a lot.”

“I’ll miss you too. And call me and keep me posted on everyone. And don’t let Graham elope without me. And I want to know any murmurings of baby names from Alison or Ellie. And try to work in Jane, since it’s both of our middle names.”

Laughing, I watch her get in her car. “I love you, Sienna.”

“Love you back, Cam.”

“Bye, everyone!” She starts the car and rolls down the window. “If you want a vacation, come see me!”

I lean against Dominic as we watch my twin sister speed off, honking the horn just before she’s out of sight.

“How do you feel?” Dom asks me, knowing I’ve worried about this for weeks.

“A part of me feels like crying. But a bigger part of me knows she’s just off for another adventure.” I look at him and smile. “She’ll be back.”

“How do you know?”

“Because we’re Landry’s. We always come home.”

Read more about the Landry family:

Sway (Barrett)

Tags: Adriana Locke Landry Family Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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