It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 7

My stubborn Sprite stood in the doorway looking utterly nervous. She now had glasses perched on the end of her nose that highlighted her wide eyes and their unusual color. She bit her bottom lip, and it took everything in me not to cross the room and pull it away from her teeth.

I wanted to kiss that lip. Stroke it with my tongue, then dip inside her mouth and see if she tasted as sweet as I thought she would.

Her eyes grew larger and her gaze dropped to the floor. She seemed to be looking at my feet, and I glanced down, wondering if she recognized the boots that had stepped on her fingers. Looking up, I frowned, questioning why she blushed and fidgeted with something in her pocket. I fought back a smile as she popped a candy in her mouth and almost immediately began crunching away on it. I had to bite back a laugh recalling her mutterings about halitosis and sharing. I shook my head in amusement, realizing I had crushed the peppermints she meant to give me.

For the first time since I had agreed to this craziness, I was looking forward to what would happen.

I was going to enjoy kissing my Sprite.

That was, if she didn’t recognize me first and kick me in the nuts in retaliation for stomping on her fingers.

I hoped that wouldn’t happen. Kissing her would be so much better.

I signed the form without reading it, unable to keep my eyes off her. I saw her wince as she held the clipboard, her fingers still red and sore. The way she squinted at the form, even with glasses, I knew she didn’t recognize me. I was sure she couldn’t see much without her glasses, whereas I only needed mine for reading and close up work, but I had to tell her.

As soon as the kissing part was over, I would confess and wrap her fingers. I owed her that at least.

Every time her eyes met mine, she blushed—it traveled from the top of her cheekbones, to her ears, and down her neck. The color staining her cheeks only added to the immense attraction I felt for her. I wanted to touch the heat of her skin under my fingers; I wanted to know how far down her body her blush went.

Beth gave us our instructions, and we walked to the middle of the room in silence, staring at each other. I knew we didn’t have to give our names. I knew we didn’t have to say a word. I could kiss her and walk out of there in thirty seconds.

That wasn’t what I wanted, though.


sp; I wanted to know her name. I wanted her to know mine. I wanted her to know the man in front of her. Then, when I finished kissing her for the camera, I could take her somewhere and find out all I could about her, so I could kiss her again.

Nerves hit me when I looked at her, and I tugged on my hair. The tension dissipated at the tender look in her eyes as she gazed at me. I shrugged off my jacket as heat filled my body, and rubbed my damp palms down my jeans. Determination replaced worry, and I held out my hand, silently pleading with her to take it.

She startled a little when I introduced myself, hesitating before allowing herself to put her hand in mine. As I closed my fingers around hers, I paused in amazement at how right it felt encased by my larger one.

I moved closer, liking how her hands slid up to my shoulders. She was so short I had to bend low to be level with her face. Her eyes shut, the sexiest little sigh escaping her mouth as I tilted my head, barely grazing her lips with mine.

Blistering heat shot through me at the slightest touch. Our glasses bumped, causing me to frown and pull back.

“Avery,” I whispered, “can I try something?”

Her eyes, those captivating pools of green, stared into mine—the same desire I felt, reflected back in wonder.

She nodded.


A slow smile, indulgent and sweet, curled Daniel’s lips. The lips that had ignited a fire inside me so hot, I was surprised I wasn’t a pile of ash at his feet. Those lips I wanted to feel back on mine. He stood up straight and pulled off his glasses, pushing them up into his hair.

“May I?” he murmured. “They were getting in the way.” Not even waiting for an answer, he reached out and tugged off mine, folding the arms closed. He looked around, no doubt for somewhere to put them, and I opened the deep pocket of my skirt, letting him drop them inside.

He wasn’t done with me.

Thank God.

He inched forward, his long fingers sliding up my neck and into my hair, caressing my skin with gentle, adoring touches. His minty breath washed over my face, igniting my passion. “I need closer,” he murmured. “I need more.” He bent his head, bowing his back to lower himself. My arms shot out, wrapping around his neck, bringing his mouth down to mine.

Time stood still.

The room disappeared around us.

There were no bright lights or camera filming.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024