It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 10

“Smart and beautiful. That’s an amazing combination.”

I blinked.

Lovely. Beautiful.

I wasn’t used to hearing those words when someone described me.

“You are.”

Oh, God—I had uttered that out loud.

“See? We’re getting to know each other. Now, tonight?” he repeated. “I have more questions. Lots more.”

I tilted my head up. “Yes.”

He kissed me. Long, slow, deep. Then again.

And again.

With a groan, he stepped back. “I have to go.”

“I know.”

Shyly, he handed me his cell phone and grabbed his coat, shrugging it on. “May I have your number, please, Sprite? And your address.”

“Sprite?” I asked. I fished my glasses out of my pocket, putting them on so I could see the phone screen.

“Yeah, earlier . . .” His voice trailed off and a frown marred his face.

“Avery, I have something to tell you before I go.”

“I don’t like the sound of that.” My heart beat a little faster at the sound of his voice. “Are you married?”


“Girlfriend?” I squeaked.

He chuckled. “No. Not when I walked in here, anyway.” He winked.

My breath caught at those words. “What then?” I whispered.

He took in a deep breath. “I st

epped on you.”


“Earlier. Outside. I stepped on you. I, ah, crushed your peppermints and your fingers.”

“That was you?”


“But, your glasses—you weren’t wearing any glasses!”

“I only need my glasses for reading and close up work, not driving. So, most of the time, I have them shoved up on my head or in my pocket.” He chuckled. “Otherwise, I leave them in the strangest places.” He slid his glasses onto his head. “See?”

I shook my head.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024