It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 38

“Kn-know what?”

“That I’m feeling . . . something. Something I’ve never felt for anyone. I’m not ready to use the word love yet, but it’s strong. It’s real.”

“It’s not . . .”


“Just, um, lust?”

I had to laugh. “Well, there is, without a doubt, lust involved. But it’s more than that.” My mouth brushed hers. “When you’re ready we’ll explore it all—together. Until then, I’m happy to get to know you on every level.”

“You won’t stop the kissing though, right?”

I pulled her to my chest. “Never.” Lifting her hand to my mouth, I kissed her knuckles, and examined the fingers I had trodden on the day before. “How do they feel?”

She waggled them with a grin. “Much better. I keep icing them.”

“Good. I still feel bad for hurting you.”

She shrugged. “It was an accident. You’ve more than made up for it.”

I pressed another kiss to her skin. “Good. I’ll keep doing so.”

“Are we crazy? I mean forty-eight hours ago I was worried about kissing a stranger, and now . . .”

“Now we’re not strangers anymore.” Smiling, I rubbed the end of my nose against hers affectionately. “Does it make us crazy?” I shrugged. “Maybe. But I like it.”

“Me, too.”

“Good.” I pressed closer again, my mouth hovering over hers. “Now, about that kissing—”


“C’mon, Sprite. You’re perfectly safe.”

She shook her head, holding tight to the top of the fence. “You don’t have a saddle, Daniel. That’s just a blanket.”

I laughed quietly, patting Zen’s neck. “He is used to me riding bareback. It’s the best way to . . . ride.” I winked and extended my hand. “Hold on and I’ll swing you up. It’s this or I saddle you your own horse.”

That did it. As I suspected, she was too nervous around the large animals to sit on one by herself. With a look of determination, she raised her arms, and I easily lifted and situated her in front of me. Zen’s ears twitched, but otherwise he stood still, patiently waiting for my direction. Avery let out a shaky sigh and I leaned forward, running my lips up and down her neck, my tongue darting out to taste her. Sweet, slightly salty, and simply Avery.

“Do you really think I’d let anything happen to you? Zen is a gentle giant.” I nibbled on her lobe, smiling at her shiver. “Just like me.” I grabbed the picnic basket that she had packed off the top of the fence. “Now, are you ready? We’ll start off slow.”

She drew in a deep breath and exhaled loudly. “Y


With gentle pressure of my heels, we were off. Her little squeaks of excitement, mixed with terror were amusing. I nestled her tight to me as we broke into a trot, her hands covering mine holding the reins. “I’ve got you.”

She tilted her head, grinning up at me. I kissed her as we broke into a faster gait. Another squeal escaped her lips and she pressed herself back into me.

So far, I liked the bareback riding lesson.

Very much.

The sun was warm on my face as I lay on the blanket, munching on an apple; the delicious picnic Avery brought with her, now devoured. The leaves overhead were bursting into life, the long grasses and wildflowers bloomed everywhere. It had rained in the night, and the air was fresh and fragrant.

I watched Avery wander around, picking up leaves and stones, examining them closely. A happy smile would break out on her face when she found something she liked and the odd stone would disappear into her pocket. I loved seeing her delight in the simplest of things around her, and I looked forward to spoiling her and making her feel that way, as often as possible. I had the feeling she’d never been spoiled much, and I was going to enjoy doing it a great deal.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024