It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 45

Her tiny hands tugged my head down to her mouth. “I like the addition to the plan.”

Groaning, I tightened my hold on her, already feeling the stirrings of new desire.

“I need to take you home. I want you in my bed, so I can take my time with you.”

“So the riding lessons are done for the day?”

“For now.” I sat up, pulling her with me so she straddled my lap. “But maybe you’d like to ride a different stallion.” I arched against her, smiling at the moan that came from her mouth as I grazed her pussy with the head of my rapidly swelling cock. The sound was erotic; a small panting noise that made me even harder. “Ever heard the term ‘bucking bronco’?”

Her head fell into my neck, and it was my turn to groan as she nipped and laved at my skin, pushing herself down on my erection.

I wrapped the blanket tighter around her.

We weren’t leaving just yet.


We left the beach, climbing to the cliff with our fingers entwined.

I had helped her dress, apologizing for her torn tank and the sand clinging to her skin, even while I tried to brush it off.

She laughed, pushing away my hands. “I’m fine. I need a shower, but I’m fine.”

I yanked my shirt over her head and kissed her brow, trying not to think of how she’d look in my shower.



My steps hastened as I tugged her behind me. We needed to get home soon.

We gathered our things, and I helped her up onto Zen before swinging myself up behind her. We were quiet on the way back, both of us lost in our thoughts.

I knew everything had changed.

I had changed. Our relationship, albeit brief, had changed.

I already adored Avery. I had from the very instant I met her.

Now it was deeper. It was more. It was everything.

When we got back to the stable, she was more comfortable. She even helped me groom Zen and settle him for the night. My stable hand had already looked after the other horses, so with a final pat to Zen, we locked up the gate.

Hand in hand, we walked back to the house, peaceful and content. When I noticed her shiver, I dragged her against me, hurrying her to the house.

Once inside, I directed her into the shower, wanting to warm her up and help soothe her aching muscles. I knew her legs had to be sore since she’d never even sat on a horse, and our lovemaking had been rather vigorous. My lower back felt a little achy, so I could only imagine the effects that her poor little body was feeling. Add in the fact we smelled of horse, sand, and sex, a shower was in order.

Pulling her into the bathroom, I saw the look of longing she gave the huge garden tub that sat, unused, in the corner. I’d never been a bath guy, but when I was building the house, the architect assured me one day I would be grateful I had it installed.

“Easier to do now than later. You’ll thank me, Dr. Spencer,” he stated with a wink. “My wife loves the one I put in our house.”

From the look on Avery’s face, I would say today was that thankful day.

I kissed her cheek. “Shower first to warm up and get the, um, sand, and grass off,” I teased, pulling some bits out of her hair. I trailed my fingers down her thighs, tapping at the dampness. “Not to mention me. I’m all over you, Avery. Sexy as that is to me, I’m sure you’d rather it not stay that way.”

She blinked, her mouth opened and closed as she glanced around the room, her gaze bouncing everywhere. “Merciful God, what you do to me,” she muttered, and I knew she didn’t realize it was aloud.

I chuckled. I did enjoy saying things that made her flustered, and hearing her inane mutterings in response. I found them amusing.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024