It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 48

I cupped his worried face, tracing over the small ‘V’ between his eyes, and soothing the puckered skin.

“You have all of me.”

His expression was beautiful, filled with light, as one slow tear ran down his cheek. “I can keep you, Avery?”

“For as long as you want.”

“Then I’m calling dibs on the next ninety years.”

Content and wrapped in Daniel’s arms, I snuggled into his chest, kissing his damp skin. His lovemaking had been beyond sweet, his touches and kisses deeper and adoring. He surrounded me with his affection, drenching me in love as he moved unhurriedly, claiming me even more profoundly than his more vigorous exertions earlier. His touch branded me, his lips possessive, as his body made me his in every way possible.

I could never belong to anyone else again. Daniel was it for me.

His fingers moved in lazy circles on my bare shoulder. “Can I convince you to move in tomorrow?”

Most of me wanted to throw my arms around him crying yes! The more reasonable part shook my head in regret.


It seemed inevitable. I wanted it. However, I knew I needed to try to be rational.

“Why don’t we get through meeting your family tomorrow before we discuss that?”

“I have no doubt they will love you,” he assured me.

“Do your mom and dad know about me?”

“I’m sure Caitlin has filled them in. Brunch is at her place, and I know she was dying to tell Mom.”


“What is it? Tell me what’s going on in that head of yours.”

“What if they object? Or don’t like me? I can’t come between you and your family, Daniel. I can’t do that.”

His mouth was warm on mine. “You won’t. They will like you. I have no doubt.”


“Don’t, Avery. The fact you are so worried about it tells me everything. I won’t have to choose.” He tugged me closer. “And if I did, I’d choose you.”

“No, you can’t say that.”

“You. Us. First. Always,” he insisted. “And my family would understand, but it isn’t going to be an issue. There isn’t a person on this planet who could meet you and not love you.”

I snorted. “Well, I can name a few. I think you’re biased.”

“Okay, then. No one I love, though, couldn’t love you. Better?”


My stomach chose that moment to growl, and Daniel laughed as he sat up, dragging me with him. “Come on, Sprite. I need to feed and water you.”

“Feed and water me? Like Zen? Do I get a feed bag?”

He pulled on his sweatpants, handing me a long shirt, his shoulders shaking with laughter. “Sorry. Wrong terminology. Usually, on the weekends, I only have to feed whatever animals I’m looking after in the clinic or stable. I like having another person to care for—it’s different.” He bent low, his lips brushing mine. “I especially like looking after you.”

“Thank you,” I breathed out. “I like it, too.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024