It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 53

“You sound like your father. He bought me an engagement ring a week after we met.”

I laughed, knowing the story. “He waited two weeks to ask, though.”

“Yes, that man has the patience of a saint.” She chuckled with a wink. “I thought Caitlin was my impetuous child. You’ve always been the more cautious of the two.”

“I can’t help it with her, Mom. I can’t control it; it’s like a freight train.” I paused to think about everything that was going through my head, and my heart. “I’ve never felt anything like it—with anyone. It’s right, and it’s real, and I don’t want it to stop.”

She covered my hand with hers. “Then don’t.”

I glanced back to see Avery had stopped pacing. Her head was down and she appeared to be listening intently to whatever Beth was saying to her. I stood, worried.

“I’m just going to go check on her.”

If Beth were angry with her, I would take the phone and make sure she understood that it was my fault. I didn’t want Avery taking the blame. I knew I had overwhelmed her. We had overwhelmed each other. She’d made a simple mistake and forgotten. I’d drive her to meet Beth, if it was what she needed. I would hate giving up the afternoon with her, but I’d do it.

I slipped out the door and walked behind Avery, who was talking and shaking her head. “No, Beth. I won’t.” She sounded more exasperated than upset. I hesitated, wondering if I should leave her to sort it out between them. “I am not saying it.”

She listened for a few seconds, then suddenly threw her hand in the air. “Fine! Yes! Yes, okay? Daniel’s big feet live up to your expectations! She lowered her voice. “His . . . penis is huge! Is that what you wanted to hear?”

I stepped back in shock, while I grinned with a touch of pride at the declaration. I had to clap my hand over my mouth to stop the laughter at her next statement.

“Okay, fine. His cock, Beth. Is that the word you wanted? His cock is huge. He filled me like no one ever has and I came so hard I saw stars!” She huffed. “Now, are you satisfied?” I could hear Beth’s laughter from where I stood, and Avery shook her head. “I’ll see you tomorrow for lunch.” With an impatient sigh, she ended the call and whirled around, stopping dead when she saw me there. Her cheeks bloomed with color, her eyes huge.

“I, ah, came to see if you were okay. I was worried Beth was angry with you,” I offered, trying desperately not to laugh.

“Um, no, she’s fine. I’m meeting her for lunch tomorrow.”


“How long have you been standing there?”

I shrugged. “I only came out as

you were hanging up.”

“Oh, okay.” Her relief was evident.

I held out my hand. “Ready t-to,” I stuttered, the laughter starting to escape, “come inside, Avery? There aren’t any stars to look at right now.”

“You heard!”

I covered the distance between us in two long strides and yanked her into my arms. Burying my hands into her thick hair, I pulled her mouth to mine and kissed her. Hard. Deep. Wet. Until she was panting, clinging to me as though I was the only thing keeping her upright.

“I need to take you home . . . now,” I insisted through another kiss. “Me and my cock need you alone. We want you to show us how hard we can make you come again.”

“Your family—”

“Is fine. Home. Now, Avery.”


“We need to go to bed, Sprite,” I groaned and stretched. “It’s late and we have to work in the morning.”

“We are in bed, Daniel.”

I pressed my mouth to her neck, flicking her damp skin with my tongue. “Right. I meant sleep. We need to sleep.”

“Then stop doing that.” She moaned as my fingers drifted up her leg, slipping between her thighs to her warm center.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024