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It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark)

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He smiled against my skin.

I ran my fingers through his hair, as I made my quiet confession. “I hate driving. I know I’m bad at it, which is why I walk most places. I’m probably worse than an old lady behind the wheel.”

He leaned back, keeping his face near mine. “No, I just said that wrong. I know you dislike driving. But I can help you. We can work on making you more relaxed behind the wheel.” He ran a finger down my cheek. “Or maybe it means I need to drive you places and keep you safe. Once I convince you to move in with me, we’ll have to discuss that.”

“You still want me to move in?”

“More than ever. And one day soon, I’ll convince you.”

He stepped back, his cock slipping from me, leaving me feeling empty without him inside me. “In the meantime, I’m taking you into the house, getting you cleaned up, and we’re getting some sleep.”

“I was going to go home. I’m sure you have lots to do today . . .”

I stopped talking at the intense look on his face.

“Everything I want to do today, involves you. We’re spending the weekend together, just as we planned. We’re gonna talk, and I’m going to have sex with you all over my house.” His lips curled into his mischievous grin, one corner higher than the other, causing his eyes to crinkle. “Think you can keep up with that, old lady?”

“I can certainly try.”

He hitched me higher, pulling me away from the truck. His hands curved around my ass, holding me tight as he strode toward the house. “Then let’s go, happy bum.”

“Happy bum?”

He laughed, the sound loud in the open air. “Glad ass—happy bum, what’s the difference?”

I tried to fight my grin at his lame joke, but I couldn’t. I was in his arms, with the weekend still ahead of us, and we were together.

I laid my head on his shoulder and joined his laughter.


Avery slept soundly, her head burrowed in the pillow and the blanket clutched around her. I had slept for a while, waking up to her gentle breath drifting over my skin as she slumbered.

After the disaster of the previous night, I was ecstatic the way the morning had turned out, and she was now beside me. All was right again in my world.

Caitlin always chided me on the fact when I was tired I didn’t realize the tone I spoke with at times, and last night proved her correct. What I’d meant as teasing came out condescending. It destroyed our plans, and led us to our first disagreement. For a moment this morning, I was worried we were about to fall right into a continuation of the same argument, but we managed to stop it before it restarted.

I hated how tired she looked, and I knew she could see the same exhaustion reflected in my eyes. When I had reached for her it was to simply hold her and reassure us both we were okay. I hadn’t planned to fuck her against my truck. However, it seemed every time I had Avery close and there was an immobile surface behind her, all my common sense evaporated and the caveman in me took over. As soon as I had her trapped between the metal and me, I had to have her.

And I did have her—thoroughly.

I ran my knuckle down her cheek. Her nose wrinkled and her lips pursed, then she burrowed a little deeper, making me chuckle. She loved to sleep.

The sound of her phone drifted up from the floor, and with a frown, I rolled over, reaching down to find her skirt. She had plugged it in to charge while we had coffee, then slipped it back into her pocket before we came to bed. It had been buzzing almost constantly, and I thought, perhaps it might be important. I had to stop the laughter as I reached into the pocket of her skirt and my hand came back with not only her phone, but also the numerous empty wrappers from all the mints she had eaten. She had severely misjudged the number she had consumed. There were a dozen wrappers in my hand—maybe more. I let them flutter to the floor, and peered at the screen, seeing her friend, Beth, was the person contacting Avery. There were several texts and two missed calls. I realized Avery hadn’t let her know she was okay, and Beth was worried. I typed a quick text to her, letting her know it was me and Avery was safe, asleep, and we were okay. Her reply was prompt.

You messed up. Don’t do it again.

I replied. Don’t plan on it.

Her response was fast.

You better not. You’ll have me to deal with.

I liked her protectiveness. Avery needed friends like Beth. After a moment, I sent another text to Beth, asking if I could make up for the previous night by taking her and Ryan to lunch. After she agreed and we set a time and place, I rolled back to Avery, nuzzling her cheek.

“Hey, Sprite, wake up.”

She opened her sleepy eyes and peered up at me. “Hi.”

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