It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark) - Page 74

“Say something.”

I indicated him with a wave of my hand. “They saw you—like that.”


“My father.” I snagged another mint. “He saw you half-undressed and looking so . . .”

“Recently fucked, yes.”

I shut my eyes, drawing oxygen into my lungs slowly to remain calm. When I opened them, Daniel was still watching me, apprehension in his gaze.

“You have to run.”

His lips twitched. “Where would you like me to go, Sprite? Out the window?”

“It’s only two stories. The worst that can happen is a broken leg.”

“Ah, no. I don’t think so. That would leave you here to face them alone.”

“He won’t kill me.”

Leaning down, he picked up his shirt. “He won’t kill me either.”

“What did they say?”

“Your mother kinda gasped and your dad cursed and sputtered a lot. He thought he had the wrong apartment.”

“Oh, God.”

“I let them in and told them I would come get you.”

“I don’t know what to do.”

He smiled in reassurance. “You go and say hello to your parents, and properly introduce me.” He held up his hand. “After you get dressed that is.”

I grabbed some yoga pants, and yanked them on, then I searched in the closet for a long-sleeved shirt, pulling it over my head.

Daniel handed me a brush, and I impatiently tugged it through my hair. I added a spritz of perfume, hoping it covered the smell of sex I had all over me.

Daniel was all over me.

I looked up at Daniel in trepidation. “I take back that statement. He might kill us both.”

Daniel wrapped his arms around me. “He won’t kill anyone. He—they both—are a little shocked, but they’re your parents and they love you. They came to surprise you.”

I couldn’t help the hysterical giggle. “I think they got the surprise.”

His chest rumbled with suppressed laughter. “They did.” He dropped a kiss on my head. “Go see your parents, baby. I’ll tidy up and be out in a minute.”

“Do I look okay?”

“You look too good for me to be alone with you much longer. I don’t think your parents would survive the shock.” He pushed me gently to the door. “Go see them.”

I grabbed a final mint. “Okay.”

I rounded the corner. My parents were sitting with their heads close together speaking quietly. I tried not to think about the fact Daniel and I had sex on the sofa only a few hou

rs ago. I stole a glance around the room, grateful I had picked up the lamp and bowl earlier. I only hoped my mother wouldn’t notice the mints.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024