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It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark)

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I was on my knees in front of her in a split second, one hand stretched across her stomach while the other hand buried itself into her thick hair. Luminous green met awestruck blue. Tears shimmered in her gaze, but the pure joy that was radiating from her, left me breathless. My mouth covered hers in a deep, soul-shattering kiss that left us panting. I leaned my forehead against hers. “Say it.”

“I’m pregnant.”

I drew back, cupping her face. “They said it would take time, maybe more than one round . . .”

She ran her fingers through my hair. “I know. I wasn’t even thinking when I saw Dr. Hastings this morning. She did a pregnancy test, then told me the news.” Her mouth curled into a small smile. “I was so shocked when she asked about my period, and I realized it was late.”

“You waited all day to tell me?”

Avery rolled her eyes. “I saw her three hours ago. I was so dazed I sat in my car for a while. Then I had to go and find your spoon.”

“Are you okay?”

“I’m good. I have to go see Dr. Pritchard next week.”



“That’s why you’ve been so tired.”

“Yes, it is.”

“I want to take care of you. Both of you.”

“Oh, Daniel, you already do,” she crooned. “We’re so lucky to have you.”

“Do you need anything? Is there something I should be doing?”

“No. Let’s just enjoy this and celebrate.” She covered my hand with hers. “Our baby.”

“Our baby,” I repeated in awe.

Her lip quivered. “Yes.”

“My parents, my sister—Beth . . . God, they’re going to be so excited. When can we tell them?”

“Let’s wait ‘til after next week.” She decided. “I picked up some other spoons, too! They’ll love it!”

“I love you.”

She cradled my face between her palms, her expression one of joy. “I love you.”

I was anxious as I paced the small room.

Avery laughed at me. “Relax, Daniel.”

I stared at her, incredulous. How could she be so calm?

The ultra sound technician and the doctor would arrive any minute, and I knew—I was certain—they were going to tell us Avery was having twins. They had told us it was a possibility with the fertility treatments, and although we’d been fine with the idea, the thought it might be a reality, was making me nervous.

When I had brought the idea up, Avery remained composed, only shrugging and stating we would know soon enough. But she was already huge. Not that I would ever tell her that—again. I had discovered only a few weeks into her pregnancy she was freakishly strong. The word “huge” would never pass my lips again, and I wasn’t sure my right nipple would ever be the same.

At only eight weeks, she looked bigger to me than I would’ve expected; even given her tiny stature. I was so confident last night, I got up and measured the room Avery wanted as a nursery; to make sure we could fit two cribs and dressers, and a change table in it.

The door opened, and Dr. Pritchard came in smiling as he looked at us. Tall and older, he radiated a calm Avery and I liked. “How are you?” he inquired as he shook my hand.

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